Page 40 of Hybrid Hearts

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“This feels a little overkill,” Jillian says, as she takes them.

“Better to have too much muscle than not enough,” Cheryl says, with a shrug.

Danny shifts first after stripping down to his underwear. Nix does the same, giving me a shrug.

“I’ve been warned about ruining this shirt.”

“It’s my favorite,” Jillian adds.

Her guys opt for their wolf forms, though I swear I see a flash of gator off to the side before Mason’s big wolf appears. Jillian sorts his charm first. I give Nix his when she passes it to me. He’s such a small, cute wolf with his bright orange fur. He almost looks like a fox.

I feel it when the witches are back a second later.

Every hair on my body stands on end.

I turn around, and Parker keeps his arm around me, reassuring me that I’m not alone, that he’s there to protect me. I didn’t get a charm for him, and now it’s too late.

Cheryl moves next to Rachel and takes her hand. Rachel looks back at me, holding out her other hand and giving me an encouraging smile.

“No fucking way,” Parker murmurs.

“I have to,” I tell him, moving away quickly to take Rachel’s hand.

They need me right now. I’m the only other person with witch-blood in her veins.

“Coven sisters?” Rachel whispers.

My heart races as I feel the question there, the need for her offer to be accepted before we can battle these witches and win.

“Coven sisters,” I whisper, hearing the words echo from Cheryl at the same time.

Freya’s power seems to come from all around us as it soaks into our bodies, filling us with light and purpose. The three witches hovering in front of us looking like drowned rats are chanting something that’s much too dark to have anything to do with the Goddess of this Earth.

They’re black arts. Dark Lord worshippers.

Goddess, give me strength.

We’ll need every ounce of it to beat these girls.

We rise from the ground, coming up to their level.

Rachel stares their leader down as their voices rise, their chant picking up momentum.

I feel what they’re doing, suddenly. I know what this is.

The portal starts to open below us, and I feel heat rising from it as a smile twitches Rachel’s lips.

“Drop,” she says.

One word, and the three of them dip down two feet. The blonde stops chanting, her eyes going wide.

“Drop,” Rachel commands a second time.

The quiet one stops chanting to scream.

One more drop and they’ll fall into their own trap.

The leader’s nostrils flare. Rachel opens her mouth.
