Page 41 of Hybrid Hearts

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She stops chanting, and the portal begins to close.

It’s not over yet, but it is for them.

When the ground is whole again, Rachel gives the last order to drop, and the witches fall to the forest floor, where they’re quickly surrounded by wolves they can’t use magic against.

When they try to get up, they’re knocked flat on their asses.

We float to the ground, and I feel lighter than air.

“Did that really just happen?” I ask, looking at my hands.

“It really happened,” Parker assures me. “It freaked me the hell out, but you were amazing.”

The glow of Freya’s magic is bright on my skin, and I feel the buzz of her energy inside me. It’s like an insane sugar rush, but a million times better. It’s magic, and it’s inside me. I can do things I’ve never been able to do. Like levitate!

I try it on my own, and I let out a gasp as my feet leave the ground.

“Fun, right?” Rachel asks.

“It’s like a dream,” I admit, as I set myself back down before I’m tempted to fly home.

“You’ve never drawn magic before at all, have you?” Cheryl asks.

I flush lightly. “I didn’t know how.”

“You’re not the only one,” she assures me.

“Thank you,” I tell her, not sure she realizes how much it means that I’m not alone in my inexperience. It’s especially meaningful coming from someone so powerful.

“Now, what do we do about them?” Cheryl asks, looking Rachel’s way.

Our new coven leader has a thoughtful expression on her face. “Well, I do have one idea.”

Chapter Twenty


IcanfeelFreya’senergy flowing through me, her magic providing me more power than my witch side has ever been able to summon. It feels good. It feels right.

It feels like I’m finally everything I was ever supposed to be.

Alpha shifter, and powerful witch.

“You’re sure about this coven thing?” Noah asks quietly, before he throws his shirt back on. It took him a minute to pick it out of the shredded pile of clothing on the ground. His pants held up a little better than the shirt. They’re just kind of fashionably torn. The shirt falls off and I smile as he lets out a weary sigh. “There goes another one.”

“You look better without it,” I assure him. “And I’m sure about this coven.”

I can’t help thinking this is the reason why I felt strange about Trish’s offer to join her coven back home. I had to trust my instincts and refuse the offer without really knowing why. Now I know. This was the coven I was meant for. Even if we don’t stay near each other, we’ll make this work.

“Isn’t it kind of weird not being the leader?” he asks. “I mean, you’re an Alpha.”

“Alpha’s might be natural leaders, but it doesn’t mean they can’t accept when someone else might be better at something.” And Rachel’s skills are way above mine when it comes to magic. They always have been. She also took control of a crazy situation like a pro.

He nods and lets out another sigh as he looks around.

Rachel has bound the three Dark Lord worshipping witches’ magic and she seems to have a plan that she’s being a little secretive about. She’s talking with her shy friend Amanda now, in hushed tones while her pack circles the witches. They’ve chosen to stay in their shifted forms. One of Amanda’s mates stayed human and stayed close to her the whole time. He’s awkwardly standing off to the side now, trying to make it look like he isn’t listening to his mate’s conversation with her new coven leader.

Everett hasn’t shifted back yet. He’s too busy growling at the witches who started this whole thing, acting like he could still attack them if they put a foot wrong. He won’t, but I know how much he’d like to. He doesn’t know how to be chill.
