Page 170 of Moon Cursed

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There are chairs and bookcases in the room, but the main point of the place seems to be the massive desk that takes up a quarter of the space. She goes to it and looks around.

Her eyes fall on something on the desk, and she mutters, “Oh my Goddess.”

“What is it?” I ask, stepping closer.

“It’s the ledger,” she says, picking up a leatherbound book and opening it. “The details of all the Omegas he’s sold are in here.”

“Is Oscar in there?” I ask.

She turns the pages and reads out, “O.W. and the date is yesterday. There’s a number next to his initials which is supposed to relate to the buyer’s identity, and I think this other figure is amount he was sold for, in thousands.”

Her fingers tremble as she flips back the pages, looking for something.

“What are you…”

“His sister,” she says. “The buyer number’s the same.”

She closes the book, frowning.

“What does that mean?” I ask.

“I think it means he sold Oscar to the same person who bought his sister.” She clears her throat and hugs the book to her chest. She looks over the desk again and picks up a silver pen. “This might work to track him down.”

I pace back to the doors as she starts the spell. I open the door and look down the corridor.

No one’s out there. I still can’t pick up his scent trail.

What the fuck is going on here?

“We have to go see Oscar,” I tell her. “Something’s off here.”

She looks up as she invokes the spell. The pen rises from the table and flies toward me at chest height. I jump back as it darts out of the room.

“No map,” she explains. “But it’s headed toward Mercer.”

I rush out of the room, seeing the pen move along the corridor and disappear around a corner.

Chasing a pen around doesn’t come close to the last thing I thought I’d be doing tonight, but apparently this is how we locate our runaway Alpha. I dart after it, chasing until it’s stopped by a closed door. It falls to the carpet and doesn’t move again. I breathe in deep at the door, but I still can’t pick up Mercer’s scent trail.

This is really fucking weird. I don’t like it.

I look back, but Cheryl hasn’t caught up with me yet.

I start going back down the corridor, when the door creaks open.

Okay, that’s kind of creepy. I turn back anyway.

I trust Cheryl’s spell. She set it to track him.

I go toward the door and kick it all the way open.

It’s a bedroom. The lighting is low, but there’s enough to see that someone’s in the bed.

Curled up in a ball, weeping. Instinct takes over as I approach, the scent of his wolf only hitting me after my eyes tell me the same thing.

“Oscar!” I gasp out, crouching in front of him.

My Omega is bruised and scratched up. He’s naked and terrified.
