Page 171 of Moon Cursed

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I need to get him the fuck out of here.

Where the hell is Rachel? She was supposed to be tracking him down.

“Oscar, it’s okay,” I tell him. “We’re here to take you home.”

He doesn’t seem to hear me.

I don’t even really know that he’s awake. He could be sobbing in his sleep, or drugged out of his mind, or anything, really. I look around and see that there’s an adjoining bathroom with the door closed and a light showing underneath. That must be where Liam Mercer is.

I touch Oscar’s shoulder. “Oscar, wake up. It’s me. It’s Everett. We need to get you out of here.”

He blinks a few times, and wipes at his eyes. “E… Everett? Is that really you?”

“It’s really me, Oscar. Come on, I need you to come with me now.”

He sits up slowly. I keep my gaze on the bathroom door.

“It hurts,” he says, groaning.

I help him to his feet, keeping him steady as he starts to move.

He falters but he manages.

I help him out of the room and lead him back down the corridor. I’ll leave him with Cheryl before I come back to deal with Mercer. Her trail isn’t out in the corridor. She must have stayed in that office. The door is still open. Maybe she found something else like the ledger.

Oscar stumbles again and I help him up. I hear him mutter something as I get him back on his feet.

“Shit. It’s okay, you’re okay,” I tell him, even as my other side starts to hurt.

Damn it. This isn’t the time to get a stitch.

I put my hand to the pain, and it feels wet. I look down to see blood on my palm, and my side.

I look up at Oscar and he’s grinning like a psychopath. He has his claws out and they’re bloody too.

“Shit, Oscar. What did you do?” I ask. I had no idea trauma could turn an Omega completely psychotic.

“I cut you up with wolfsbane dipped claws,” he tells me, as he pulls away from me.

I stumble back, suddenly struggling to stay upright. Wolfsbane is poison. Fatal to shifters.

I slide down the wall limply, watching as Oscar’s body blurs and shifts form into something else.

No. Not something else. Someone else.

Liam Mercer. His scent only comes back once he’s in his own form.

He smirks down at me. “Challenge accepted. I chose a slow death for you because it’s less work for me. I hope you don’t mind. I’m looking forward to selling your other Omega, and your female Alpha is the rarest of the rare. I might keep her around for a bit to breed with before I sell her to the highest bidder.”

“You’re so fucking dead,” I growl, even if I can’t make myself lunge at him.

I can’t get up. I can’t move. I’m paralysed, and there’s not a damned thing I can do about it.

He leans over me. “I wish I could stay around to watch you die, but I have an Omega to deliver to his new owner now. Jacob will take very good care of your friend. He loves his pets very much.”

I fight to stay conscious as he walks away. I try to call out for my mate, but I can’t talk anymore.

I can’t move a muscle. I can barely keep my eyes from closing.
