Page 177 of Moon Cursed

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Thank Apollo that wasn’t what happened. No, actually, thank Cheryl Dartmore. My mate saved all of us tonight when she destroyed our enemy. She’s tired and his blood stains her clothes and her skin, but she’s happy, because we’ve got Oscar back. Her mate. Our Omega.

I smile at Cheryl, and she smiles back at me.

We did what we set out to do. We brought Oscar back home where he belongs.

She killed the Alpha who almost killed me, and she saved my life when I was close to death.

As far as fated mates go, I couldn’t have gotten luckier if I tried.

“What now?” Oscar asks.

I look at him blankly. As far as I’m concerned, at least for tonight, this whole thing is over.

“I’ll call the Council of Witches,” Rachel says, reminding us this isn’t completely over. “Who knows when Mabel will get back? Someone needs to tell them. Make it official.”

She heads into the kitchen to make the call.

“Are you hungry, or tired, or…?” Cheryl starts asking Oscar.

“I’m not too tired to get my bonds back,” he tells her. “Or at least my marks.”

Cheryl smiles. “You only had one mark before.”

“That’s true,” I tell them. “But it should have been two. How do you want them?”

Oscar raises an eyebrow. “In bed in the middle of an orgy would be nice, but I’ll take what I can get.”

“I meant, both at once, or one at a time,” I tell him, making Cheryl laugh.

“I don’t know,” she murmurs. “The orgy idea sounds nice.”

“Both at once,” Oscar says, pointing to both sides of his bared throat. “Either side.”

I lean in at the same time as Cheryl, and our eyes start to glow at the same time.

I don’t know whose teeth sink in first, but Oscar definitely moans when Cheryl licks the mark she made. His throat vibrates as I pull away.

“Holy hell,” he says, his eyes wide. “A mate mark feels way different than a normal mark.”

He’ll love that, I’m sure.

“I could probably sleep now,” Oscar says. “But maybe I’ll stay up if there’s cake.”

“Sleep,” Cheryl says. “I think we could all use some. I’ll send everyone home who doesn’t need to be here. The Council of Witches will contact us when they’ve assessed things. We should get some rest.”

She goes to the lounge, and Oscar follows her.

I take a minute to appreciate being alive, and I hear a derisive snort.

No damn way. I turn to see Bianca standing in the hallway rolling her eyes at me.

“You know, you owe me an apology,” she says.

“I’m not seeing you. I don’t see ghosts.”

“You do now,” she tells me. “I wonder if it’s because you were almost dead, or because you should be dead.”

“Fuck my life,” I mutter.
