Page 181 of Moon Cursed

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“They owe us a favor?” Oscar asks.

“What can they do?” Everett asks, his suspicious stare not wavering.

“They can do a lot of things,” she says. “There’s no way to list all of those things.”

“I know what I want,” Oscar says.

It sounds like his mind is made up. I know what he’s going to say before he says it.

Everett frowns. “Oscar…”

“Ophelia,” Oscar says. “My sister. I don’t know where she is, but I want her back.”

I nod when Mabel looks at me. “I assume it’s one favor?”

“They can give you Ophelia. It’s possible,” she tells us with a nod.

“Can they give us all of the Omegas that Mercer sold?” I ask, knowing it’s a stretch.

“That would be more than one favor,” Mabel confirms. “They can give you Ophelia.”

Oscar looks at me, his bright eyes hopeful.

“Do it,” I tell her. “Thank you.”

She nods, closes her eyes.

She vanishes in a burst of light, and when she’s gone, there’s another woman standing in her place.

A brunette in a white dress. An Omega shifter. Her eyes are as bright as Oscar’s as she looks around the hallway, staring at her new surroundings in shock.

“This isn’t the tower,” she murmurs.

Oscar steps forward and she turns her gaze on him.

She gasps in a breath. “Oscar? Is that you, little brother?”

“It’s me, Ophelia,” he whispers, as he steps forward and hugs her.

They stand there in the middle of the hall, holding each other tightly, for several minutes.

Tears roll down her face when she breaks the embrace. She sniffs, and wipes under her eyes.

“Where are we?” she asks, holding herself as if she’s afraid.

“This is my home,” he tells her. “My pack.”

She looks us over, frowning. “How did I get here?”

“The Fates owed us a favor,” Oscar says.

“The Fates?” she asks, her tone bitter.

“What is it?” he asks. “What’s wrong?”

“I need to go back,” she tells him. “I can’t leave them with him.”

Oh, Goddess. One favor wasn’t enough.
