Page 46 of Mister Musician

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“You can?” he asked, tilting her head so he could look into her eyes.

“I can.” He placed a sweet kiss to her lips. “And for the record, I would love to go half on a baby in the future with you too.”

Saint rubbed his nose against hers in the way she liked, eliciting soft giggles that he kissed away before lowering her down to the bed and making his way back inside of her again.



Harmony staredat the side of his face, beaming.

“Why you lookin’ at me like that?” Saint asked, cruising down the interstate. They’d just made it back to Memphis after an impromptu trip to Korea. A week ago, Saint asked Harmony what she wanted to do for their date night. She told him she wanted to go listen to some live music and that she had a taste for Korean barbecue, but the places in Memphis she’d tried weren’t as good as her favorite Koren barbecue restaurant in Phoenix, Arizona. After confirming she had her passport, Saint had his personal assistant to book them flights to Korea through the private jet company he often used.

They’d spent the past five days in Korea, and they both had the time of their lives. As much fun as they were having, they both were ready to get home. No matter where Saint went, after five to seven days, he was ready to get back to his own bed. That was the only part of touring he hated, which was why he was always making stops in Memphis every chance he could get.

“Because a week ago I told you I had a taste for Korean barbecue, and you flew me to Korea. Who does that?”

Saint chuckled. “I do.”

“I loved it there. Their technology is so innovative, and the food is so fresh. I’m glad to be home but I miss it already.”

“We can go there or anywhere else you want, whenever you’re ready.”

A content sigh escaped her lips as she reached for his hand and looked out of the window. “I love being at the library daily, but my position technically doesn’t require it. With the huge boost in my book sales, I can take some time off to travel and write more. I owe that to you. Thank you again, Saint. I’ve made more off my books in the past week than I have for the last two years. I’m so excited to release something new and see if they’ll support that too.”

“They will. This wasn’t a onetime thing and I’m not your gimmick. You’re a great storyteller, Harmony. Everything you drop going forward is going to do just as well.”

“When I said God was going to shift things in my Jesus year, I didn’t think it would start weeks early. I know it won’t be easy all the time, but I’m so excited for what’s to come.”

Saint lifted her hand to his lips for a kiss. She was the first woman he’d put on his social media, and his fans and friends knew what was up. He hadn’t posted about their trip while they were there, but as soon as they prepared for the flight back home, Saint uploaded all the videos and pictures he’d taken of them to his Instagram.

What was crazy to him was the fact that she was on her period, and not once did that stop them from having a good time. He didn’t feel overwhelmed by the need for sex because he genuinely enjoyed her company, and that was new. As soon as Tristan saw the posts she started calling and texting him. He made up in his mind to change his number once he was rested and settled. Anything she wanted to discuss pertaining to business could be done via email or through his assistant or attorney.

Saint couldn’t imagine the hate Tristan planned to spew because of his happiness, and he had no time for that. Since he’d left her behind in Los Angeles, his heart had been at peace. Even without his music, Saint was finding passion and purpose in other ways, and he refused to let Tristan’s possessive ways ruin that.

* * *

“I’m so,so proud of you, babe,” Harmony cooed before placing a kiss on Saint’s cheek.

They were getting ready for breakfast with Cartier and Hosea when his new business coach called to confirm she had everything she needed from him to start creating the business plan for his upcoming community center.

He still hadn’t been able to record any music, though his attorney found a loophole in the contract. Saint could record songs and upload them to a video streaming service for profit such as YouTube, Vimeo, or iStream TV and charge for subscriptions, but he didn’t want to. Every time he tried to go into the studio to record his anger with Tristan would consume him.

When he talked to Harmony about it, she told him he probably wouldn’t be able to record until he separated his music from Tristan, though the two had been intertwined for years. Saint feared he wouldn’t be able to record again until he started the process of forgiveness, and that wasn’t something he was ready to do. He wasn’t ready to trust God to get vengeance on his behalf, and until he could genuinely wish Tristan well, Saint knew he wasn’t ready to forgive her.

“Thank you. I’m excited about it. It’s not my music, but it means a lot to me already. I can’t wait to bring this vision to fruition.”

“Have you started looking into buildings yet?”

Saint’s head shook as he looked himself over in the mirror once more. He’d dressed simply in a brown Fendi sweater and black jeans that matched the brown twill Fendi trousers and black bodysuit Harmony had on.

“Nah. I feel like for what I want, I’m gonna have to build it from the ground up.”

“That makes sense,” she agreed, releasing a squeal as he pulled her into his chest from behind.

As they stared at their reflection in the mirror, Saint said, “We look good as hell together, huh?”

“That we do,” Harmony agreed before turning in his arms and placing a kiss on his lips. His hands lowered to her ass, and he squeezed. Saint bit down on his bottom lip as she gently pushed him away. “If you start that we’re going to be late, and I’m looking forward to breakfast with Cartier and Zay.”
