Page 60 of Requital

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Not knowing Mark’s, Quinn’s, or Jackson's current whereabouts, we blindly enter the building with Patrick and Hadley in tow. Once inside, we are confronted by two large Afghanistan soldiers who escort us to the nearest room.

Inside the room is a bloodied Sean tied to a chair in the center. It’s evident why he chose this room as there is only one entry and no windows to expose what they are doing to the outside world. When Antony catches sight of his son, his body tenses.

“Do you know what I will do to you for hurting my husband?” Hadley’s steely voice proclaims

“I know exactly what you are capable of, Hadley, but you will never get close enough to cause me any harm,” Patrick ridicules.

“Are you certain of that?” she replies in a snarky tone.

The look on her face is one I haven’t seen in a very long time, and regardless of what Patrick believes, she will kill him; it’s just a matter of when.

“Tie them up with the others,” Patrick snaps before exiting the room.

To my left, Mark and Jackson are slumped on the ground, both appearing unconscious. To the right, the smaller of the two Afghan soldiers is attempting to tie Hadley to a chair.

“I’m in, and I’ve found Quinn,” Liam confirms.

“Better make it tight,” we hear Hadley tease.

“Or what?”

Thinking he can humiliate the woman tied to the chair, the soldier slowly comes back, stopping inches in front of Hadley’s face. Spitting at her, he tells her to shut up, or he will hurt her. From the corner of my eye, I notice Hadley’s legs move, indicating they’re not tied as tightly as they are meant to be.

The laughter that suddenly escapes Hadley’s mouth is almost demonic, sending shivers down my spine. “Do you know what happened to the last man who threatened to hurt me?” she snarls in a matter-of-fact tone.

“I’ve heard the stories,” he sarcastically jeers.

Using slight, deliberate actions Hadley moves her legs, loosening the rope until it drops around her ankles.

“They’re good, aren’t they?” She smiles, keeping the soldier’s attention on her.

“I’ve done worse,” he retorts dismissively.

Laughing once more, Hadley asks him if he knows how much damage can be done using your legs. Keeping him engaged in the conversation, even if it is to rile him up, Hadley is aware she now has the upper hand. The knowledge that Liam and Quinn are lurking in the shadows will give her the confidence she needs to make her move once the other soldier has been eliminated.

Just as Patrick re-enters the room to my left, the other soldier finishes tying Jackson and Mark to chairs in their unconscious states.

“You can distract him all you like, but no one else is coming to help you.”

I don’t know what Patrick was doing, but he obviously has no idea Liam or Quinn are in the building.

“I don’t need help, Patrick.” Hadley continues to engage, attempting to distract him from seeing the rope falling around her ankles.

For a man with his training and resources, it is astonishing just how stupid he sounds right now. Anyone who has had dealings with the Alexandria family knows what Jason’s children are capable of.

I can’t help but smile when Hadley reminds him of that.

“Guard the door just in case Gerrick sends someone,” we hear him dictate, hesitation suddenly lining his tone.

Leaving the door open, the guard leaves the room.

That will be Patrick’s first mistake.

“Hadley,” a shaky, soft voice questions.

A look of concern momentarily takes over Hadley’s face when she becomes aware her husband has woken.

“I’m here, baby,” she gently replies.
