Page 74 of Heartache Duet

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I flinch and turn to Rhys. “How bad do I look?”

He shrugs. “Nothing a little trip to Sephora can’t fix.”

“I’m glad you gentlemen are finding this amusing,” says Brown. “But I’ll have you know that a scout from Duke is attending the next game, and while he’ll be looking for boys to hand acceptance letters to, you two will be riding the bench.”

* * *

When you think college ball, you think Duke. For so long, the idea of going to Duke had been exactly that: an idea. A pipe dream, really. But now… now I was here and fuck.

Rhys doesn’t care as much as I do. Sure, he’s the team captain, but college ball is as far as he wants to go with it. Plus, he has the finances to get into most places. And yeah, I’m sure more opportunities will present themselves, but they won’t be Duke.

I try to push all those thoughts aside as I make my way up the bleacher steps, toward a waiting Ava.

“Is it true?” she asks the second I’m in earshot. “That you were suspended for a game and Duke is going to be there?”

“How do you know?”


“Rhys has a big mouth.”

“Connor, I’m serious,” she whines, tugging on my arm so I sit down next to her. “Maybe I can talk to Principal Brown. It’s the least I could do considering it was my fault you both—”

I grab her legs, cutting her off, and settle them over mine. I place my hand on her thigh, just below her skirt. “You didn’t force me to skip class and act like a Neanderthal. It’s on me, and I’ll bear the consequences.”


“Ava, please, let it go. I get this half hour with you, and I don’t want to waste it arguing about dumb shit. Now kiss me already.”

“Okay,” she says, kissing me once. Her lips lift at the corners, and my eyes drift shut when she runs her fingers through my hair.


“Yeah?” she murmurs, her mouth pressed to my neck.

I pull her closer. “Promise not to tell anyone about the whole sleeping with a basketball thing?”

She laughs but doesn’t pull away. Her lips skim along my jaw, stop just below my ear. “But then the whole flashing my boobs to the AV guys so they’d broadcast it at the next game would be for nothing.”

I grunt when she bites down on my earlobe and bring my hand higher up her leg. “Don’t fucking joke.” Then I pull away, capture her mouth with mine, kissing her with a possessiveness I didn’t know was in me.

She giggles into my mouth.

“I’m not playing, Ava.”

She just laughs harder.

* * *

Trevor hisses the moment I open my front door. “Damn, kid. You took a beating.”

I step onto my porch and close the door behind me. “You should see the other guy.”

“I did, dude, and he doesn’t look anywhere near as bad as you.”

I shrug. “What’s up?”

“Can we maybe walk, talk about what happened?”
