Page 30 of Meant for Wolves

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Julia looked up from the desk and slipped off her glasses. “Hey, how did it go? Did you hear from your brother?”

Stay calm.“No, and I’m worried. My dad called in the search and rescue team to see if maybe he’d fallen off a cliff or something and was unconscious.”

“I am so sorry. I’ll keep you in my prayers.”


“I know you have a lot on your plate, worrying about your brother and all, but did you get a chance to ask your other brother if he might need any help with his private investigation firm?”

She sucked in a breath. “I completely forgot. I’m sorry. I will as soon as I can.”

“No worry. Take your time.”

Tawny gave her a slight smile. “I need to check on Brett and Alan to make sure there aren’t any problems.” There were a few strays who often were restless during the night.

She found both men in the back. Alan was putting harnesses on two of the dogs to take them outside, and Brett was changing the water in their cages. She blew out a breath that everything looked normal.

“Hey, guys. Everything good?”

Brett rushed up to her. “No problems. Julia said your brother was missing? Is that true?”

As much as she wanted to tell him everything, she wouldn’t. Not with Alan near. “Yes. We’re hoping he ran off with someone, but just in case, Dad sent out a search and rescue team. We know where in the forest he was last headed.”

“If you need me to do anything, you know you can count on me,” Brett said.

She smiled. “I appreciate that.” When the time was right, she would tell him she believed she had a stalker and ask if he could watch out for her.

Normally, she would talk to each of the animals, but she needed to speak with her father first. For privacy, she went into her office and closed her door. Tawny had already texted him this morning to remind him that she, Liam, and Alex wanted to discuss what happened to Zach with him. He told her he would be available when she was. To make sure he hadn’t been called out on some emergency, she contacted him.

“Hey, sweetie. You coming over?”

“You’re at the office?”

“I am. Malia took the day off from the hospital and is keeping vigil over Zach, though I suspect he’ll be good as new shortly.”

She blew out a breath. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

As soon he disconnected, she called Alex, since his number was first in her phone.

“Hey, Tawny.”

“My dad is ready to see us. How about I meet you at his office?”

“Perfect. We’ll head out now.”

She returned to the front. “I know I just arrived, but something came up that I have to attend to. I shouldn’t be gone long. Hold down the fort,” she said to Julia, though as the owner of the rescue center, Tawny didn’t have to explain herself to the staff.

“Will do. Fingers crossed the search team finds your brother.”


Now came for the hard part—convincing her father and Zach that all Grangers were in danger.


Elana Granger,who was manning the front desk at the sheriff's department, looked like hell. The phone chain regarding what happened to Zach must have reached her. While Tawny wanted to stop and chat, it might not be safe to have any kind of discussion there. No telling who might overhear a piece of their conversation. Instead of chatting like she usually did, Tawny nodded, gave her cousin a weak smile and then rushed to see her dad.
