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Chapter 1 - The Holiday Season Sucks!


"Take me to a bar. I need to get wasted." I tell the driver as I hop in the back seat and shut the door. My tone sounds uncaring but I can feel my heart pounding wildly in my chest from the adrenaline of the confrontation. I'm waiting for the inevitable tears to come, even though the pain isn’t as bad as I anticipated. Oh there's anger and hurt, just not the massive devastation that normally comes with betrayal and heartbreak.

What does that say about my feelings and relationship?

I crack open the mini bottle of Jack Daniels I stole from the cabinet on the way out and sigh staring at it. My ex thinks if you drink several small bottles it's not the same as pouring a glass. He actually believes it classifies him as a non drinker. However, he’s a cheater and apparently a moron so go figure. Maybe it's because he grew up rich that he has no problem throwing money away. I always go with the best value. If I'm buying alcohol, I'm going to Costco where the giant bottles live. More bang for your buck that way. I briefly wish I had a chaser before chugging down the brown liquid I think I used to like in college. That whole time in my life like my childhood is still a blur I try not to think about.

"Okay no problem, hun. I’m not familiar with this address but I don’t think it’s a bar." The driver looks down at her phone then at me with a confused expression.

I shake my head not knowing what to say. Technically, I didn’t order a car. In my haste to flee the scene I jumped in when I saw the familiar logo in her window. My stomach sours because I have a strong feeling she’s actually waiting for the woman sleeping with my fiance. They just had to go another round and he's not the type of man to drive you home himself.

Shoot, she's still watching me. I pull out my phone and start looking for a local bar name to give her.

The loud pounding on my window startles me and a high pitched scream automatically leaves my lips. I’m so baffled for a second I just sit staring at Ram. He's actually standing there still shirtless screaming atmelike this is my fault for showing up unexpectedly. Thankfully, I come to my senses and use both my hands to flip him the middle finger. That's so out of character for me that I even shocked myself. I laugh out loud a second later when I see his eyes go wide with surprise too. My laughter dies quickly when he begins trying to open my door. I panic, shaking my head and glance at the driver desperately looking for help. The intense banging starts up again and I can tell his anger is increasing.

"Oh shit, don't hit my car, asshole." The chick turns around and pulls away from the curb with the tires squealing. She looks in the rear view mirror, sighing and shaking her head. "You should have told me you were running from a creeper. What happened anyway? His dick’s not what you expected?" She laughs and then looks in the mirror again meeting my eyes. I'm not sure what she sees but her smile turns into a frown. "Hey, I was just joking. Do you need help or something?" I see her glance at my clothes in fear.

This stranger's concern makes me feel like crying more than learning my fiance has been cheating on me for who knows how long.

"That was my ex fiance back there and he told me he was working late tonight. Fuck, how many times do you think he's used that line on me? What about the overnight stays for business trips or golf tournaments? All the missed texts or calls he couldn’t take. He always seemed to be in a meeting at just the right time. I’m such a loser for not seeing all the red flags. That scumbag fucker played me!" I don’t even cover my mouth when I curse this time. I want to scream, yell and kick something for wasting my time on that man. My clock is ticking and I'm not getting any younger.

Suddenly, I'm jerked forward when my driver pulls over and slams on the brakes. Thankfully, I'm wearing a seatbelt and I don’t fly to the floor. “Hey!”

The woman with the dirty blond hair turns around in her seat grinning like I just told her I have a thousand dollar tip in my pocket.

Oh, believe me I don't because technically I'm very close to being broke right now, but I save that pitiful information for myself.

She doesn’t say anything, just picks up her phone and starts texting someone. Honestly, I have no idea what she's doing so I just wait watching her. Moments later she starts bouncing in her seat when she gets like seven notifications in a row. Someone’s blowing up her phone and when she turns back to me her eyes are bright with excitement.

"First off, F that douchebag. Second, we are going to have the time of our lives tonight. And lastly, G-"

"That would be third, not lastly." I say rubbing my head thinking about canceling all the reservations for the wedding. It’s so close to the date that they'll keep all my deposits. I can actually hear my bank account weeping right now.

"You're one of those people, huh? Well, I'll forgive you this time since you’re sad and depressed because your man left you for another woman."

I open my mouth furious and ready to lay into her.

She laughs winking at me with a huge smirk on her face. "See, assuming makes you look like an ass. It's rude to correct people when they are bragging about their night off."

I have no idea why, but that comment makes me roar with laughter. Normally, I'm too stuffy for my own good to find something like that funny. I think I like her.

She leans across the seat to open the passenger door next to her and waves me over. “Come up here and sit with me.”

I hop out of the car without questioning her further. Why not, what do I have to lose? I spontaneously decide to loosen up and take off my blazer right here on the side of the road. My cheeks get red when my new blond friend starts cheering loudly. I get in the car quickly and shut the door embarrassed.

"I don't want to keep calling you ‘blond woman,' so what's your name?" I ask her while gently setting my jacket on the backseat. At least I have the next three weeks off to think about what I’m going to do with my life.

She frowns, shaking her head and begins driving again when I put on my seatbelt. "You haven't called me anything yet." I point to my head with raised eyebrows. She nods and then smiles understanding my response. "Ruby is my nickname and what you can call me." She glances at me waiting for mine.

"Don't laugh," I say, warning her not to make fun of me.

She takes a finger and makes like she's crossing her heart.

Revealing my true name never goes well with people. I always get offended and I want to like her. "Are you ready for it? I’m not going to lie, it’s hilarious to most people." I'm trying to prepare her one last time.

Ruby just nods, rolling her eyes and grins at me. She thinks I'm playing, but I’m not.
