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I know he won't make the first move so I hug him. I'm pleased as punch when he pulls out his trapped arms to hold and squeeze me back. He sniffs my neck and I giggle.

"Sorry, that was weird,” he says but doesn’t let go of me. “You just smell like snickerdoodle cookies." Bud sighs then kisses my head. "I’m really grateful you’re here. Bye, Joy." He strolls away without a backwards glance. His suit is ruined from all the snow but he doesn’t seem to care.

He's the one that smells like sweet cinnamon to me. Why would I smell like cookies? I haven't made any for some time, but I guess I could. I lift my arm to smell my sleeve. Nope, I actually smell like them. Cinnamon, peppermint, pine trees and fresh winter snow.

That reminds me…

I spot Iceman at our snowman working on his head. I see a few sticks and rocks nearby that will work perfectly. After gathering all the supplies in my sweatshirt, I skip over to him excited to show off my finds.

"Hey, you started without me." I pout while I add the stick arms to our man. Then I begin working on the face design, but he doesn't react. "I'm sorry, this has taken up your whole work day. You can leave and I'll ask Ruby for a ride if you have to go." I spare him a glance and what I see makes my mood sink.

Iceman seems sad and even a little upset based on the frown he’s wearing. He steps back inspecting our work then walks away without responding.

I focus on the snowman trying to control the swimming tears in my eyes. I don’t understand what I did wrong. I'm sure he's super busy during the winter season and I should’ve been more considerate of his time.

These guys are making me emotional and I’m not sure why. I've never felt this way before.

I whine holding my head from the unexpected agony that shoots through my skull. This is a bad one. I need to get back to the house and take a nap. Why didn't I bring meds with me? My butt hits the hard snow and I grunt from the jarring pain torturing me. I close my eyes and cradle my head in my hands waiting for the throbbing to ease a little. The headaches never go away no matter how much I pray. It's been a few days since my last one though. I guess it was just wishful thinking that they were gone for good.

"Can you hear me, sweetheart?"

It smells like fresh winter snow and I breathe in deeply knowing the source. I don't know how to explain it but the scent sticks to this man like the cold. My heartbeat pounds in my brain as more air fills my lungs.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, this was too much for one day. Man, dang it. Why didn't I listen to Saint? All I wanted to do was get a carrot from the truck. I shouldn't have left you here alone like that. I'm so sorry…Is it your head? What can I do to help?"

The panic and concern in his tone somehow relaxes me further. His speech has effectively reduced my suffering. It's just a dull ache now, the horrible piercing pain is gone. I take another deep breath and lift my head.

"Are you smiling at me? That's a stunning smile baby girl." Iceman's cold lips touch my forehead and I open my eyes slowly.

"My headache was really bad." I whisper terrified it will come back. I'm surprised to find myself in his arms when I focus on my surroundings. I didn't even feel him touching me during my fight with the never ending nightmare I don’t understand.

I used to scream when Fruitcake touched me during a headache. Most of the time he’d yell at me and make them worse. We always fought about my doctors and the meds I should take. I’m so glad that part of my life is over and done with. It's like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"Was, as in not anymore?" The genuine empathy is written all over his gorgeous face. I nod and the smile he gives me is breathtaking. "I'm sorry I left like that without saying anything. We needed a cool nose for our project and honestly, I needed a breather." He rests his head against mine for a second before speaking again. "This feels good. You, right here. I could do this for hours." He starts humming happily then kisses my head.

"Frost, we are sitting on the ground soaking wet in the snow."

He blinks slowly, staring at me. I’m about to question him until he flashes me a quick and sexy grin. I giggle as he tries to kiss my neck. I’ve been doing that too much lately. I’m a grown woman, I shouldn't be giggling all the time. I can’t help it and the next one is high pitched because his cold lips touch my ear.

"You called me Frost.” His voice is filled with pure pleasure. He helps me stand first then effortlessly hops up himself.

I briefly worry about his knee when he winces, but he's sporting dimples a second later. Even though he likes me using his last name like the others, I’m still keeping Iceman for sexy time. It takes a lot of nerve to assume I’ll be having sex with this beautiful man soon. Oh, I definitely want to. I'm just not a hundred percent on how you go about having a holiday fling. My eyes roam his body hungrily before landing on his face.

His eyes narrow, looking at me with a curious expression. “What are you thinking about?”

I know he's teasing and I’m too embarrassed to be honest so I run a hand through my hair in a nervous gesture.

He reads that sign all wrong and his smile drops instantly. “Does it still hurt? Let's finish this and you can go take a nap before tonight."

"Yeah, that will help some." My voice is low and defeated. I'm sad I can't communicate my feelings and ask him about his.

We stand in front of the huge snowman inspecting our team work. Frost removes the rock nose I made.

He holds it out then shakes his head throwing it to the side. "Any good snowman has a proper nose." His eyes light up as he shows me the carrot and sticks it in.

"Do you eat it like that?" I wrinkle my nose at him pointing at the snowman. Who doesn't remove the outer skin of carrots?

He tilts his head, squinting at me. "Not anymore. Someone I knew used to tease me for doing it. Now I like carrying them as snacks for their reindeers. I have more bags in the truck, don't worry." Frost frowns, his mood quickly changing before my eyes. The affection in his tone when talking about that person makes me uncomfortable. It doesn't sound like a family member.
