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I look at the snowman and Frost adds a Penguins beanie. My head snaps to him in surprise.

"No way! Did you play for the Penguins too? That's my favorite team. My obsession started about seven years ago. I watched one game and I was hooked." What a small world but I don't remember seeing him on the ice.

"You just missed me then I stopped playing a few years before that when my life got turned upside down. I moved back here after that." The anguish I hear in his voice almost brings me to my knees.

I step closer out of reflex. "What happened?" I'm almost too afraid to know.

Frost stares at me for a long minute. He puts the hood over his head, hiding himself from the world again. After he turns away, he clears his throat. "A lot changed in a very short time. My knee injury pretty much ruined my hockey career but my heart wasn't in it anymore either."

I know there's more to that story but I'm not going to push him. We were getting along so well and I do need a nap before tonight’s activities. We should probably go now.

"I think he looks perfect. Too bad we don't have a scarf." I look at our masterpiece nodding to myself with pride. I need to take a picture to show Ruby because she'll love this. I'm becoming a regular snow bunny.

"Yeah, thanks for coming again." His deep voice sends a chill down my spine. He turns towards our creation. "Well, he's definitely a gigantic snowman. You know, if you like hockey that much, we could see a game sometime together…I mean if you want?" He's acting all shy looking at anything but my face.

"Is that your way of asking me out?" I giggle and smile when he begins nervously shifting the snow around his feet.

"Yes, I'm out of practice. You have to give me a break. We could go somewhere else if you want. I'm open to any ideas and I've got money.” The hole in the snow around him gets deeper as he talks. He clears his throat again. “My place has a big screen TV and I get all the games too. I even got cool massage chairs with a kitchen full of snacks." A nervous drop dead gorgeous man is totally cute.

"Oh, and that's your sneaky way of getting me to go to your house. I knew this was the plan all along. When I get there you'll ask me if I want to see your bedroom." I roll my eyes dramatically and laugh at the silly idea. I stop joking and get serious when his head whips in my direction. "I'm just playing. That sounds like a Jolly good time."

His massive grin spreads showing his deep dimples. "Really?" This man acts like he's never seen his reflection.

I've had his tongue in my mouth so I know he's interested and this shouldn't be a problem. I walk over and wrap my arms around his neck feeling confident. He accepts me putting his hands on my hips. I'm grateful because I know rejection sucks. Frost bends down so his mouth can cover mine. My tongue finds his easily and I moan rubbing against him. He pulls me closer and I take his face in my hands controlling the kiss. We make out for like seconds, minutes, hours, who knows.

Finally, we break apart breathing heavily. We stare at each other, lips swollen and horny as a Christmas reindeer. My hands run over his smooth shaved head knocking the hood off again. I want to see him, all of him. He can’t hide from me.

"Oh yay, you have one." I see the scarf around his neck under the hoodie and try to tug it out.

Suddenly, he pushes against me and grabs the scarf pulling it from my fingers.

"No, this one is mine." He shakes his head aggressively and tucks the scarf under his clothes. My face must give away my shock because he growls talking under his breath. "It's cold out here and keeps the chill away." He’s trying to play off his panic.

"Oookay no biggie.” Well, maybe it is so I decide to try one more time. “I could just buy you a new one?” That’s a no go by the expression on his face. “I just thought it would look cool on our snowman." I'm pouting and whining, acting like an insecure brat. However, I did just catch my fiance cheating on me and I feel like I should protect my heart.

"I'm sorry, you can't have it. This scarf is…" He glances around looking uncomfortable and trying to think of a lie. The weird behavior makes me think it means a lot to him. "Nevermind, the snowman’s fine the way it is. Let's just go." He motions to his truck dismissively.

I don't understand why it matters so much. I'm still kind of upset that he pushed me and maybe he’s talking about another woman. "Yeah, I need to get back and lay down anyway." I walk faster, hugging myself with the sadness creeping in.

He curses behind me then follows without saying anything else.

Chapter 5 - Winner Gets A Prize


"Are you sure you don't want me to talk to him about it?" Ruby asks for like the tenth time tonight. Her concern is appreciated even if I don't use her help.

I told her what happened with the guys today and how it ended with Iceman. I don’t want to call him Frost because I'm not sure we're friends at the moment. "Yeah, I'm sure. It could be from his mom or something, right?" I hope it's not from a crush or a woman he used to be with.

"Frost's mom died when he was a young boy. They moved here after that and his father was one of the last members to join the board." She told me before honking at some kids making snowmen in front of a large house on the corner. They all wave back excitedly enjoying the outdoor fun.

"Do you think it was a gift from another female? Oh my candy canes! Does he have a girlfriend?" I never even asked them. The acid I taste at the back of my throat has me gagging. I don't know why I trust these men so easily when I don't even know them at all.

"I wouldn't worry about it. Did you happen to see what was on the scarf?" She doesn't look away from the road and there's a touch of hopefulness in her tone.

“Boy I wish I did.” I didn't see it and that fact has been killing me. Why didn't I take a closer look? I keep trying to picture it in my head but my memory is shot today. The nap I took was short because I couldn't stop thinking about the guys. My mind wouldn’t stop racing and before I knew it, the twins were waking me up.

"Are you sure this sweater is okay?" I ask the sisters looking down worried it's too much. I totally forgot I had this until I found it in the bags they packed for me. Then it just made sense to wear it tonight.
