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"It's perfect and I would have picked it myself." Ruby smiles at me briefly. She sends dirty looks to her sisters in the rearview mirror when they snicker.

I glance over my shoulder at the twins in the backseat. They smile at me, not smirking like they hate it but like they know something I don't.

"Just ignore them. We're gonna have fun tonight." Ruby puts on Christmas music and I make them happy by singing along.

We pull into the mini golf parking lot and it seems really crowded here too. I've been meaning to ask them how many people are in their little town but I keep forgetting. We hop out of the car and head for the entrance as a group.

I think I smell…

"Hello ladies," Saint grins at me when I spin around startled at the sound of his voice. He's standing right behind me just as happy as can be.

My feet choose this time not to work and I slip on the ice. He catches me and holds me so I don't fall. The smell of chocolate chip cookies assaults my senses and my mouth waters for a taste.

"I didn't realize you were this clumsy now." He's teasing me, sporting laughing eyes.

I'm blushing but I quickly recover standing unassisted once again. The need to defend myself wears on me. "It's the snow because I'm not used to it." I shrug when he stares at me, not saying anything else.

His brow pinches into a frown then he smiles when Ruby bumps him as she passes.

"Come on guys, everyone’s inside they just texted me." Ruby tells us cheerfully, waving us forward.

Saint grabs my hand and winks at me as I look up at him in shock. "In case you slip again." The amusement in his tone has me smacking his arm playfully.

"Well, thanks for the support. Even though you’re making fun of me." I roll my eyes to playoff my excitement. I hold his hand and lean closer to him as we walk.

He opens the door like a gentleman, smiling and nodding. We walk into the main building which holds a big arcade. The noise, energy and atmosphere gets me pumped for the game we're about to play. I grin at all the bright lights and people enjoying their night out around us. Some are staring but I'm too amped up to care.

"We’ll go sign everyone up. You guys go find our group." All three sisters walk off shaking their deer tails. I'm not going to lie, the outfits are super cute.

This town doesn't mess around when it comes to Christmas. The whole vibe is rubbing off on me and I'm actually starting to appreciate the holiday season for once. Saint picks a direction to start our hunt. I’m ecstatic that he doesn't let go of my hand. All the patrons are dressed up in their Christmas gear and a lot of people wave at him as we pass. Ruby told me he's the mayor of this town and I'm not surprised with his charisma.

I look down at my sweater with the elf on the front. It reads Team Buddy and has me smiling from ear to ear. I'm pretty much out of any other Christmas themed clothes after this. I still have some solid red and green stuff available before I need to do laundry.

Saint points at my chest and tilts his head. "That’s a nice design by the way. What's wrong?" Saint frowns down at me then stops in the middle of the walkway because I don't answer his question right away. People have to walk around us and he doesn’t seem to mind at all. "You can tell me. I know what happened at the park today. Is that bothering you?" His bright green eyes search mine and I can't read the expression on his face.

"Well, it didn't until now." I automatically feel uncomfortable about this topic. "I knew you called. I'm not normally like that. I don't just make out with strangers all the time." My voice lowers without my permission like I'm ashamed and embarrassed. The thing is…I'm not in the least. I feel connected to those men and I had a blast with them today. "I dont sleep around, I had a fiance for several years." Plus, it's about time I had a little fun now that I'm free. I'm not getting any younger and I’ve wasted so much time already. I straighten my shoulders and stare Saint right in the eyes daring him to think poorly of me.

"I think I know exactly what you're like." His voice is laced with authority and the underlying grumpiness is clear in his tone. "I don't need any reminders of your recent life." Saint snaps at me before pulling his hand away. His hand tugs at his beard as he spins around looking for the others.

I shouldn’t have brought up Fruitcake, but his anger is a little over the top for my comment. “You made me feel like I needed to defend myself.” My frustrated sigh shows my mood and I glance back to the direction Ruby headed. I should've gone with them.

"Jolly my girl, I've missed you!" Don has me in his arms spinning around in a circle before I know what’s happening. The giddiness in his voice and grin on his beautiful face is stunning.

My laughter is high pitched and I return his smile gleefully. I'm going to get dizzy if he doesn't stop spinning. I would complain but I'm enjoying his arms too much.

"He's been like this all afternoon." I hear Blitz yell. To whom? I have no idea. I'm still being turned in tight circles by this gorgeous tough sheriff. "Enough already, Donner. You're going to make her sick. We aren't twelve anymore, jeez." Blitzen sounds amused and delighted with his brother’s attitude.

Don stops and sets me down still smiling, though it’s dimmed considerably since he had to stop. Thankfully, he doesn't let go of me because I'm still dizzy and unbalanced. He leans in to kiss my forehead and I close my eyes to cherish the feeling of warmth from him.

"Jolly's a tough cookie. She's not going to get sick over a little spin." Don tells his brother then leans in close to my ear to tell me a secret.

I'm eager to hear what he has to say and my eyes automatically close again.

"I like you in my arms. It's where you belong." His tongue travels along my neck in a sexy lick. He backs away grinning mischievously when Saint clears his throat.

"Should I be flattered by those comments? You are a big strong sheriff around these parts. Are you gonna lock me up if I'm naughty?" I tease him flirtatiously, wiggling my eyebrows.

He laughs and shoots me with a pretend finger gun. "You smell like delicious coffee cake. Do you need me to eat you?" Don bites the air jokingly and my cheeks heat, imagining that.

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