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Blitz pushes him further away to give me a tight hug. "Can I get a hello kiss, Jo?" This magnificent man actually looks bashful asking that question. I'm sure he gets tons of women, but he's here with me now so I kiss him.

His tongue meets mine and it's a war of passionate bliss. The peppermint scent that is Blitzen fills my mouth and nose. I release a cheerful sound getting worked up from the kiss.

"Oh, save that prize for the winner, Joy." Ruby interrupts us and we pull apart reluctantly. The Reindeer twins start handing out clubs to our party. Rudy walks to me wearing a giddy smile. "Which color ball, Joy?" She holds out a rainbow of colors. Some have stripes because we have a large group. I grab the blue one then quickly change my mind to switch it with the green and red stripes instead. Ruby nods approvingly and grins walking to Bud standing close by.

They high five and he takes the green ball from her hand saying, “Thanks.” He waves at me shyly when he sees me watching him. It’s the first time I’ve seen him without a suit or glasses. This casual look works for his personality too.

I tap Blitz' shoulder and he finally lets me go, but not without pouting. I blow him a kiss which makes him cheer happily.

Apparently, Saint has disappeared somewhere because I don't see him anymore. Bud has walked off with the twins and some other Reindeer siblings heading for the doors outside. I quickly follow in their direction hoping to catch them before they exit the building. I want to show Bud the sweater I picked for tonight.

The male twins are behind me arguing over who’s going to buy me snacks. I look over my shoulder and they’re playing rock, paper, scissors now.

As I get close to the door, I feel a strong breeze of cold air. My head turns and I spot Iceman leaning against the wall. His face is covered again and that makes me sad. The white ski mask and hoodie hide him from the world and his problems. He stares at me intently, trying to read my reaction at seeing him. The piercing blue of cold winter's ice sends a chill along my skin.

The memories of his hands caressing my skin is playing tricks on my emotions. I still don't understand why he wouldn't just use the scarf. Ruby didn't really make me feel better since she had no idea what that was about either.

He steps forward, pushing the door open for me and makes sure to give me enough space. "I hope you had a good rest, Joyful. I'm glad you decided to still let me come tonight."

The use of my full name after his cute nickname has me wincing. I'm almost offended by my own name which makes zero sense. Did he really think I was going to make a scene about him hanging out with his friends because I got jealous of a scarf? I hope he didn’t say anything to the others. That thought has me embarrassed and upset.

"I’m not your boss so you can do whatever you want, Iceman " I stumble when I see the desire flash in his eyes. Thankfully, I don’t fall and step through the door quickly but he follows closely behind me. A shiver runs over my body as the coldness that sticks to him invades my back.

The door slams after us and I hear the brothers curse when they hit the glass. My panic is instant and I try to pull the door open for them.

Iceman just laughs and leans in close to whisper in my ear. "Can I, JR? Because I want so pucking bad to be the boss." He lifts his mask and kisses my neck with cold lips before strolling off.

I want to giggle at the hockey pun but his comment makes my mind race with x-rated ideas. The forwardness is a major turn on too.


I scream running to Bud holding my arms out. He picks me up with the same excitement I'm feeling. We totally just won the game and the bet. Ruby cheers while running down the hill towards us.

"Did it go in?" Her eyes are wide and she bends to retrieve the ball from the hole. She skips over to join our victory dance singing Queen's famous anthem.

We do the team handshake we made up around hole five and laugh out loud. Obviously, the other teams don't like it as much as we do.

"Wow, you guys are good sports when it comes to winning." Frost gives me a sexy smirk when I gasp dramatically, batting my eyelashes trying to act innocent. He finally loosened up and took the ski mask off mid game. I want to ask him why he always wears it but I’m afraid to get too close to him.

"Cheaters!" All the twins say in unison as they come down chasing their balls. Even if all of them got a hole in one they aren't beating us. The teams were picked fair and square with captains.

"We have to get back to the station because we left the Elf brothers in charge and they always get in trouble." Don looks at Bud and the other man shrugs. He checks his watch as he walks to me.

Bud backs away from me showing a shy smile like the sweetheart he is. I need to spend more time with this man. The urge to get to know him better is staggering and I want to follow that instinct. He really likes my sweater and I caught him staring at me a few times too.

Don steps into my personal space and I feel Blitz behind me closing in. The twins demand my attention completely as their scents hit my nose. Of course, as a woman over thirty, I giggle like a teenager. I look over Don’s shoulder to see the others walking away. They’re all leaving us which has my heart racing in anticipation. Everyone's read about twin sandwiches in naughty books but people generally aren't likely to share their partners.

This is just for fun to get me over what's his name.

I try to convince myself that I don’t already have some feelings for these men. Then my brain melts when they both rub themselves on me like I’m a pole and they’re the dancers.

“We want to give you a prize for winning.” Don says, wrapping my arms around his neck, showing me what he wants. "Plus, it will help you remember us."

“Yeah, since you’re going with Bud tomorrow instead of us now.” Blitz’s hands land on my hips and he pushes me into his brother’s giant erection.

We both moan and Don takes my mouth. His tongue is skilled as it caresses mine, making me grind into him more.

I gasp when Blitz’s hand moves around the front of my body and slips under my sweater. Instead of him going up to my aching breasts like I assumed, it travels down my stomach to my underwear line. Oh, but he doesn’t go in, that tease. His lips find my sensitive neck and I lose my mind.
