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My eyes narrow and I shake my finger at Saint for scaring the sweet man. Then I step closer to Bud to make eye contact. “Yes, I’m really looking forward to it. Here give me your number and I’ll text when I’m on the way.” I hand him my phone and the shock on his face makes me giggle, bringing back my giddy mood.

He enters his information and hands back my phone smiling brightly. I’m happily surprised that he makes the first move and goes in for a hug. We hold each other tightly. My mouth waters at his cinnamon scent and I sniff him. He laughs and smiles pulling away from me. His confidence is sexy when he runs a finger over the Buddy on my sweater.

“I really like this sweater. Thanks for wearing it and being on my team.” He clears his throat and combs a hand through his sunny hair. “Maybe pick something else for tomorrow though or the kids will tease you. See you tomorrow, Joy.” Bud strolls away and the Reindeer triplets follow him waving at me.

“I hope you had a satisfactory experience tonight, Joy.” Saint’s leaning against the rod iron fence watching me with those piercing green eyes.

What does that mean?

“We’ll be out front waiting for you. The twins have to tinkle before we leave.” Ruby points at them and her sisters laugh. They skip off making kissing sounds that sends heat rushing to my cheeks.Wow, really mature. Ruby winks at me and I give her a wide-eyed look she doesn’t pick up on. Then she turns to give Saint a hug totally ignoring me. “Don’t forget you have work to do tonight and you can start with the paperwork Angel sent over.” She tells him sternly and he frowns at her before she runs off singing Santa Claus is coming to town.

I get nervous and start sweating about being in his company alone. My body hums with energy that the larger than life man generates and it's intoxicating. I’m proud of myself for not giving into the urge to pull down my sweater and adjust my clothing. I feel insecure and naked under his intense stare.

“Did you enjoy yourself tonight, Joy?“ His massive hand runs down his dark brown beard and I watch it closely.

I gasp loudly tripping over my own feet from the vision that just popped into my mind. Saint’s arms and chocolate chip cookie scent are all around me when the fantasy eventually disappears. Oh snowballs, that was piping hot like hot chocolate. I’ll be thinking about that scene later in bed.

“Are you okay? Your head’s hurting again, isn’t it.” It's not a question. He bends over me kissing my forehead gently and my eyes close, absolving his tenderness. “Did you bring your meds?” His hands begin searching my pants but I have no pockets. All he’s accomplishing here is making me horny by caressing my legs and thighs.

“Wait Saint, you’re getting me roaring like a fireplace.” I giggle covering my mouth at the expression on his face.

My laugh turns into a moan when he drags me against his body to rub us together. His firm built chest and hard dick has me lightheaded with yearning.

“You are being naughty my little mistletoe. Do I need to punish you with my big Christmas package right here in public?” His voice is rich and deep, and definitely promises a magical time.

“I thought they were finally gone until...well, obviously you already know since Ruby said she told you. I’ve learned to deal with the pain over the years. No one understands so I just don’t talk about it much.”

My mouth closes quickly and I’m confused once again. He was hugging me tight until my last comment. Now he’s stepped away and his arms drop like I threw ice water on his flirtatious mood. I miss his warm body around me instantly and hug myself hoping it helps. I’m amazed as I watch his whole body shut down and a deep scowl takes over his face.

He doesn’t understand how much I want to shout yes please and bend over the bench next to me seductively so he can rule my body but I’m not that bold yet. Plus, I don’t really know him and what he’s referring to takes trust and time to build that type of sexual relationship. A few months ago I was drawn to the lifestyle from a show I watched called ‘How to Build a Sex Room.’ Fruitcake was appalled when he found out I was researching the subject.

The vision of this man fucking me hard while tied up was very clear in my mind as he stared at me with pure desire in his eyes.

He huffs dramatically bringing my focus back to him. “Let’s get you a drink so you can take your meds before I leave. I still have work to do tonight and now I’m in a bad mood. I have a lot to get done before Christmas." His beautiful green eyes are filled with emotion. He runs a hand through his dark brown beard then grabs my hand.

Is he still mad?

Chapter 6 - The Principal's Office


I push the accelerator and my grip tightens on the handlebars as my body automatically gets pulled back from the sudden speed. Snow shoots up in the air around me and I let out a joyful laugh. Ruby let me borrow her snowmobile for the afternoon so I can visit Bud at the high school. Initially, I was worried that I couldn't drive this monster machine but I'm actually quite good at it. A loud horn makes me jump and go faster as I turn on a new street. I slow down once safe and in control to look over my shoulder.

Did I do something wrong?

A wave of relief comes over me when I spot Blitz in his patrol car waving at me. He flashes his cherries and berries. I giggle because that sounds funny. Weird, I have no idea why I know that’s a term for red and blue lights on a patrol car. If I stop and chat with him, I’ll be late for my meet up. I wave at him and turn around taking off again. My laugh is quick and loud when I hear his sirens behind me.

I look over my shoulder once more and he’s following me gaining speed. He turns on the lights again, pulling up next to me. My grin is huge but he can’t see it under my mask. I almost want him to pull me over and do dirty things to me while I’m being detained. The image of that man in his uniform makes me wet from dirty ideas.

“Hey Jo, you can’t just drive by without saying hi like that.” His voice comes over the bullhorn and I stop so unexpectedly I almost fall off.

I glance around quickly, freaking out that someone heard him. This will be the talk of the town in a place this size. The Reindeer men are the law around here and this is juicy gossip. I've been reading too much latelybecause this is kinda romantic too. My head whips to him when I hear the warm rich chuckle over the speaker.

“You’re funny Jo. I can’t even see your face and I can hear the wheels turning. I won’t hold you up any longer, but will you text me later?” He’s still talking over speaker and people are definitely hearing him now. His voice is flirtatious and not whiny at all.

My gut instinct is to go with the flow and tell him how I feel. I use my hand to very dramatically blow him a kiss through my mask. Then I throw it in his direction.

He goes nuts with the sirens and lights. "Drive safe, Jo." I hear his kiss over the horn and crack up.

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