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The snowmobile takes off again before I change my mind and do naughty stuff with the sheriff.

I’m glad he doesn't chase me this time. I'll text him later because I like talking to him. Bud must have given a few of the guys my phone number last night after I texted him. They haven’t been shy about using it either because they texted all night. I can’t deny it’s really sweet to wake up to a few good morning texts. Fruitcake never did thoughtful stuff like that for me, not that he let me out of his sight for more than a few days at a time.

Women like men to show interest because it’s romantic and makes us feel special. If you aren't waking up with me, the least you can do is let me know you’re thinking about me. It’s all about who’s at the top of your mind at any giving moment.

The school’s up ahead and my heart beats faster with excitement. We agreed I would come during lunch time. He said he's busier before school with parents dropping off and crazy student drivers. Plus, I really wanted to make food for us. The Reindeer sisters said I did a great job and they were happy to be my taste testers. I can't pull into the parking lot since everything is perfectly plowed, thanks to Frost no doubt. I find a nice snow covered area nearby that’ll work for my needs.

I'm so nervous about having lunch with him and I have no idea why. I kill the engine then step off, careful not to fall on my face from the deep packed snow. My helmet and ski mask come off next. I hang my stuff on the handlebars because I don't want to hold them. I’m too scared to check the status of my hair and pray it isn't crazy like Cindy Who’s. I only mess with it a few hundred times before giving up. The deep breath helps a little with my anxiety but not completely. I unbuckle the lunch basket and grab it, still freaking out a little.

It’s time to meet with Principal Elf.

Snow crunches under my boots as I walk to the school’s entrance. I glance down to make sure I'm presentable as I climb the stairs to the top. The door opens before I get there and a bright haired man stares at me smiling.

“Well hello little lady, what do ya got there?” The uniformed deputy asks, tilting his head at my basket with courtesy in his mischievous eyes.

“This…” I tap my basket with a sassy grin. “Is lunch for the outstanding Principal of this school. Who might you be?” I try to mimic his voice and he laughs, opening the door for me.

“Oh you know me.” He says playfully waving his arm while following me inside.

“Are you Bud’s brother?” I’m pretty sure he is because the hair, smile and eyes matched the intriguing man I can’t stop thinking about.

He laughs nodding and then points down the hall when I stop confused on where to go next. I follow his lead walking next to him. Instantly, nosey I inspect the lockers and classrooms as we go.They don’t have glass windows in the doors anymore.

“Yes, that I’m afraid is very true. My bro failed to mention you were visiting today and I know none of our brothers know either.”

A small group of students runs into the hall ahead of us. They all freeze in their tracks smiling and waiting for a reaction.

The deputy claps and points at his watch aggressively. They all turn wide-eyed, tripping over each other to run off in the opposite direction.

“Oh, they’re scared of you.” I’m little impressed by the respect but realize he must be a hard ass. He’s one of those, I’m an adult not friends with teens type people.

My head snaps back to him when he roars with big belly laughter. “Oh man, that was more fun than I expected it to be.” He wipes his eyes grinning madly. At my confused expression he fills me in on the inside joke. “They don’t fear me at all. I’m normally a push over when it comes to the students. My twin however is a drill sergeant and I just copied his signature moves.”

That’s actually quite funny and we share a good laugh. He motions to the door up ahead and I may throw up.

“Thanks for helping me get to the Principal's office.” That comment makes me giggle because I'm sure it isn't said often. “If I was a teen, I would be so nervous right now.”

He laughs so loud that I jump in surprise. This guy's really animated but it fits him perfectly. His eyebrows go up and he smirks. “You, worried? Yeah right, that’s hilarious. You’ve got jokes.”

A teacher opens her door to check the hall for the source of disruption to her class. He waves at her and tips his head. She gives him the shh sign and rolls her eyes before shutting the door.

His mouth is in a giant O when he turns to me. “We're gonna get in trouble.”

“I made the Principal food so technically, you would be the only one getting in trouble here.” He laughs with me until I stop staring at the door. "Well, thanks again, bye." I think he’s going to take off, but he just shakes his head still following me.

“No way, Joy. I’m not leaving without seeing his reaction to you being with me. I’m going to totally record his face for our brothers.” He rubs his hands together like a little brother about to prank his big brother. “I would expect them to do the same if they were here instead.” He’s trying to help understand since I'm sporting a deep frown at this crazy idea.

“You aren’t going to tease him because of me, right?” I start to feel uncomfortable and touch my hair again. Did I read Bud’s vibes and attraction all wrong? I’m definitely not an expert on relationships if my last one is any indication. Plus, flirting and dating is uncharted territory.

Am I being a clinger?

“Don’t worry, Joy. Bud won’t get mad. This is just a little fun between siblings, promise.” He opens the door and walks in.

“Hey, what are you doing back so soon? I thought-” The beautiful woman behind the desk stops talking when he holds the door open and she spots me.

“Oh great, you brought back someone.” She sends me a dirty look and smacks his hand when he tries to steal candy from the jar on her desk. “Don’t touch that, it’s for your brother.” She glances back to me and says, “Can I help you? Are you here to check out a student?” Her eyes roam me and a smirk crosses her face because she’s not impressed.

I’m trying not to be insulted on many levels. One, I'm not technically old enough to have a student at this school. Two, she’s doing the typical woman on woman disrespect for no reason.
