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"She's here to see the principal." The deputy wiggles his eyebrows leaning on her desk trying to steal more candy.

I smile at the sneaky jokester.

"He isn't available." She stares at me with disgust and jealousy.

My back stiffens because this is the type of stuff I’m used to dealing with at Fruitcake's office and I’m not interested in more other women drama in my life. I make myself smile at her and gently set the picnic basket on the desk.

“Nope, no kids here. Can you give this to Bud for me please?” I glance at the man standing near me, still haven’t got his name. His brows are pitched with guilt and there's worry in his eyes. “It was nice meeting you, Deputy Elf.”

Without another word I spin and walk out the room wondering if I’m making a mistake being up on this mountain. The door is closing behind me but I still hear…

“You’re in deep shit now and should probably kiss this job goodbye.”

Even though those words intrigue me, I don’t go back inside or ask any questions. The tears I have to fight back are confusing and powerful. My head swims for a second and I touch the locker closest to me resting briefly. After my vision clears, I don’t leave the campus like I had originally planned. Instead, I walk around the school on a mission.

Before long, I found myself standing in front of a black door under a staircase. I don’t think twice about ripping it open, and I’m shocked to find it’s actually unlocked. My heart speeds up with anticipation as I step in the room. I turn on the lights and gasp at the secret room I’ve stumbled upon. It looks like a cozy lounge inside.

“Holy jingle bells!Dude, you scared the Christmas cookies out of me.” My hand flies over my heart and I’m breathing heavily.

Bud just ran into the room and slammed the door behind him without any warning. He’s just standing against the door staring at me with his chest heaving. His hair’s a little messy and very sexy.

“I thought we had a lunch date. Why would you leave without saying hello?” I step towards him because his voice holds pain I wasn’t prepared for. He glances around the room, then his face transforms as he adjusts his tie. “Are you going shopping already?” He frowns, running a hand through his bright red hair.

“A date? You never said that.” He blushes and so do I. “Wait, why would I go shopping? I’m not going shopping.” I look around the room and head to the large rocking chair in the corner. I touch the arm and hear Bud choke so I glance back at him concerned. “Are you okay?”

He nods aggressively watching me, then his eyes move around the room almost paranoid. I can hear his next deep breath.

“Did you forget how to breathe, Principal Elf?” I laugh at my question and sit down making myself at home. My mood brightens as I start rocking in the very comfortable chair. It's not hard and perfectly padded too. I hold onto the arm rests and look at him smiling. “This chair is great, I need one of these at my house.”

“You can’t take that one home,” his tone is fierce and upset. He regrets his comment instantly by the expression on his face but it’s too late. He already said it. Frustrated, he removes his glasses and puts them in his pocket.

“I wouldn’t steal it, jeez. Just because I don’t have a lot doesn’t mean I steal or beg for stuff.” My pride and feelings are hurt by his accusations. I wrap my arms around myself for comfort and I want to leave but this chair is soothing.

Can I ask him to leave?

The guilt on his face is clear as day but I ignore the emotion and rock away. He steps away from the door ducking his head, becoming shy and reluctant to keep coming closer. He doesn’t know what to do and I can see the different emotions move across his face in a confused mess. After two steps he turns and locks the door before spinning to face me again.

I’m not scared because it makes sense that he would lock it. He's the man in charge after all. The Principal could get fired if a student or teacher caught him in here with me. Ruby already told me this small town has a board of directors. I'm sure there's one for the school too and it would bring shame to the respected Elf name as well. I don’t want to leave yet and that’s probably selfish but so what.

“I’m not sure why this room was open. It’s supposed to be locked at all times.” Bud goes to the green couch across from me and sits down. His smile is absolutely stunning as he stares at me. “I’m glad you came.”

“I can’t pick locks so it was definitely open. Is this like the teachers’ hangout?” This rocking chair is doing the trick because I feel more relaxed and less emotional.

His laugh is musical and my heart races at the sound. “No, we would never let teachers or staff in here.” He points at himself smirking and looking like a total sexy smarty pants. “Never in a million years would we believe the principal would chill in here.”

“Who’s we?” I ask curiously but I'm pretty sure I already know based on the little hints scattered around the room. I watch him closely as he loosen his tie and opens a few top buttons. I’m shocked and interested in the ink I see under his collar.

He clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair. “Uh, well, all the friends that grew up together.” His eyes roam the room and they light up with memories I wish he would share.

I’m envious but more confused by his attitude. I don’t know why he’s so uncomfortable with my questions. I'm debating whether to ask him anything else or just rock here in silence.

He frowns when his eyes move back to mine. “Like Frost, Saint, Rudy and the twins. Saint conned the janitor into giving us the keys to this closet. Then we all asked our dads to help us with the construction. The gang all got into a lot of trouble together and our parents knew it would be hard for us if we didn’t have a hideout to lay low without the principal giving us a hard time. We lived in detention before we had this place. Mr. Krampus was always an evil man and he hated Saint’s father enough to take it out on us.” The dislike is obvious from his tone and the disgusted look on his face.

“Wait, Krampus, like Santa Claus' enemy?”No way!

He nods at me with bitterness and hate still in his eyes. His hands are balled in fists and I want to comfort him.

I shake my head angry for him. “Well, he sounds like a real pile of reindeer poo.” My laugh is high pitched and his is a magical melody that makes me happy.

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