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“She’s waking up…

“WAIT!” I scream because his voice is fading but he doesn’t hear me. Who were those kids and why am I dreaming about them? I try to hear the kids again but there's no point. It’s so dark and the pain in my head becomes severe a second later. I can already tell I’ll need a nap after this headache. I make myself focus on breathing through the throbbing pain.

Bright red and orange flames like a beautiful fire blazing on Christmas morning flashes across my mind. The color is cheerful, vibrant and reminds me of something warm.

“Joy, I’m not sure if I should be grateful for that smile or creeped out by it.”

I can hear Bud and understand his words, which is a huge plus when I have a monster headache. Though it’s actually starting to feel better suddenly and I can feel that I’m in his strong arms.

“We’ll have to reschedule this for another time, Joy.” He squeezes me close and kisses my forehead. “Do you want to talk about it?” I shake my head once and he kisses me again. “We have to get going because the girls will be here soon to take you shopping.”

I’m still confused about that part, “shopping?” My head’s a dull ache now and I can handle the pain. I’ve felt a lot worse and if I'm honest shopping isn't a horrible idea. I could get a new dress for the Christmas parties I keep hearing about. It won’t be tacky to wear the same one, right? My budget is almost non-existent. I still need to pay a deposit for the new place I find to rent after this adventure. Well great, there goes my good mood with the memory of chores to come.

He’s watching me intently and I can see the adorable freckles sprinkled along his nose this close to him. “Yes, you are going shopping today for eight or more new outfits.” His lips meet mine too quickly for my liking and he backs away. “It’s the eighth day of Christmas, Joy.”

They’re still talking about that list and the twelve days of Christmas stuff?

“I would love to get something new but funds are limited this time of year. I really need to find a place to live first.” I get embarrassed and have no idea why I shared that information. Blame it on my headache or high emotions.

“Christmas is the time for miracles Joy. Just wait and see. I have a good feeling this year.” Bud has a determined expression on his face and it makes me wonder.

I want to ask him what he wants for Christmas and I’m about to when his phone starts ringing.

Chapter 7 - This Is A Mess

Saint Nicholas

The sigh that escapes me is loud and justified from my growing exhaustion and not because I'm being dramatic. “What are you doing Rudy?” My voice has a hard edge that I hate using and my hand reaches for my beard but I grab my phone instead. A moment later I huff and set it back down again.

Why do I keep looking for a text?

I’m catching feelings and this isn’t going to end well. They all stare at me half asleep and only the twins have an excuse to be this tired. Protecting the town and watching our enemy is a full time job. I hate not being in control of my emotions and it hasn't been an issue until now.

It’s time to find out her end game for this agenda.

“Rudy spill now or it's over." The guys start to protest but I hold up my hand cutting them off. "I only went along with this whole plan you guys wanted to try because you said it was a miracle and the timing is right this time. I swear Rudolph, if you masterminded this whole scheme, you are fired.” I’m pretty sure I'll be able to follow through on that threat.

Rudy’s eyes are closed and she’s resting a hand under her chin to keep her head propped up. She’s not even paying attention and I think she just snored.

“Are you guys awake? You need to listen up and we need to discuss this obstacle.” My heart aches and I take another drink of my laced coffee. I make sure my scowl stays firmly in place because I’m still irritated with all of them for not being more upset.

“Your attitude sucks this morning, Nicky.” I growl and Buddy smiles when they all laugh at his little joke. “Don’t get all dramatic because I want to sleep in on my first day of vacation. My coffee isn’t made yet and I had a long night at the shelter.”

I feel bad now and I don’t even defend myself against his d word comment. It would only make it worse anyway. “I have a lot of stuff on my plate and your plans are just adding to my stress levels.” I'm definitely whining and being dramatic now, great.

“We can help out with the tree lighting ceremony,” Donny says, after yawning hugely. He’s sitting on the edge of his brother’s bed holding the laptop.

“Yeah, and Mrs. Elf said she wants to host the gingerbread house contest this year.” Blitzy says under a mountain of blankets.

“Why are you guys talking to my mom? You better not be planning any pranks against my brothers.” Buddy frowns while drinking his coffee. He checks his phone smiling before looking back at the camera. “Rudy didn’t do anything wrong. Who cares why, Saint. Let’s all just be happy that it’s actually happening.” The stars in his eyes scream his feelings regarding the matter.

I wonder what they did in our secret hangout yesterday?

“Okay, quick recap.” Rudy clears her throat like she’s been listening and waiting the whole time. “We had a blast shopping last night and she got several cute outfits that I'll be borrowing in the future. We know about the movie marathon and we’ll see everyone later today at the theater. It’s day seven and I’m happy with the progress we’ve made so far.” She pauses to look at her phone. “I have to go unless anyone has something important to say?”

I’m worried that she avoided my question completely and my gut sours at the meaning behind it. I know Rudy’s hurting too, but she knows the rules and she promised not to interfere.

The twins automatically begin teasing Frosty about beating his team this weekend on the ice. They’re trying to get him to talk. The Snowman’s still pouting and not responding to anyone’s calls or texts. I was surprised to see him on the computer this morning, but then again the topic would interest him greatly.
