Page 11 of Finding Reese

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“Hey, Mom? That’s all you have to say to me? In the time you’ve been home, Reese Michael Dyer, you have not once visited me,” she states, getting right to it.

“Sorry, I’ve been busy.” I try to explain it in a way without giving her too much to question.

“Busy my ass,” she calls me out.

“Mom,” I sigh, “I said I’m sorry, okay? I’ve got shit going on right now, and I’m not ready to talk about it. When I am, you know I’ll tell you.” I don’t bother lying, she’ll see right through it. So, I stick with what I’ve been saying because I don’t want anyone else to know yet.

“Fine, now come inside and have some cake with me,” she says, dropping her arms.

I smile, doing as I’m told, knowing this is her way, and I don’t question it.

* * *

Mom and I ended up talking for well over an hour before I left and went home to get ready to go out and meet up with Travis at this club. Instead of texting back, I shove my phone in another pocket and head for the doors to meet my friend.

I don’t miss the line that wraps around the building. The fact my friend is at the doors means he’s gotten VIP status here or something in that regard because there’s no other way he would have been able to get through that line.

Ignoring the gawking stares, I approach Travis and the bouncer he’d been talking to.

“Mike, this is my buddy . . .”

“Reese Dyer,” Mike finishes for him and sticks his hand out toward me. “Damn glad to meet you in person, man.”

“Thanks.” I take his hand and shake it. “Nothing special about me, but appreciate you wantin’ to meet.”

The three of us chat for a moment more before Travis suggests we get inside saying the others were already in there.

“Who all’s here?” I ask.

“After you left, I told Phoenix and Karter we were hitting up Aura tonight and they decided to join. Christina and her friend, Skyla, also heard, and Skyla being crazy as she is, invited herself, my sister, and another friend of theirs along. And, of course, you know with Chris coming, your brother had to get in on the fun,” Travis explains as we make our way through the club to the table they’re all surrounding.

Spotting my brother at the table, I smirk when he catches my gaze on him.

“What?” He quirks a brow in question when I’m close enough.

“Didn’t figure you for being a club goer.” I grin and shrug.

“I’m not, but no way in hell I’m letting Christina out of my sight when she’s got a ‘fuck me’ dress on that Skyla talked her into wearing,” he explains, jerking his chin up in the direction of the dance floor.

I follow his line of sight and am stunned by the sight of my brother’s woman. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her in anything other than workout clothes or jeans and a tee.

“Rhett, swear to God, you say ‘fuck’ and my sister’s name together and I’m going to lose my shit. I don’t need or want to hear what the hell y’all do, and I sure as fuck don’t want to see it,” Travis growls, giving Rhett a pointed stare.

I chuckle along with Phoenix and Karter as my little brother flips Travis the bird. After a couple minutes of interacting, I decide to go grab a drink from the bar. By the time I get back, it’s to hear Karter laughing and calling Travis a manwhore.

Joining in on the fun, I bring up a time back in the day when Travis was caught by a teacher going at it in a closet with two of the cheerleaders.

“Ha-ha-ha, laugh it up, why don’t you,” Travis smirks. “I’m just living the best life being a single man enjoying all that I can for the time being.”

I snort and lift my beer to my lips as I glance over to the dance floor. I came here tonight to find a woman to sink into. One woman catches my eye instantly as she sways to the music. The way she moves and the outfit she’s got on goes straight to my dick. We may have a winner.

When she turns around, I utter a curse under my breath. It’s none other than Haven, the woman from the community center who brought all the kids into the gym today.

I knew I wanted inside her earlier today, and now I’m certain of it, but Haven’s not a one-night-stand kinda woman. All it takes is one look in those beautiful eyes of hers to know that about her.

A moment later, she’s heading in our direction alongside Christina and her friend, Skyla. The entire time her gaze glued to mine until they reach our table. Only then does she look away, smiling as Christina introduces us all to Haven, though I’d met her at the gym earlier that day along with Travis.

“I love this song.” Skyla laughs. “Who’s dancing with me?” she asks, glancing at all of us.
