Page 15 of Finding Reese

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With his added body weight, it makes sense that he would be faster than me. More momentum.Just as the slope is starting to even out, his speed slows but only slightly. I don’t question why. Instead, I lean forward and pull to the front. We come to the bottom, almost neck and neck, but in the end, I’m the one to make it down first.

“I won!” I hop up and down with my snowboard still attached.

He chuckles louder when I kick the snowboard off and start dancing around like I just won a big fight. I know I’m acting like a fool, but it really does make me feel all warm and tingly when he laughs like that.

I move closer to him and continue my celebration, but just as I’m about to do a spin, I feel my feet slip out from under me. Before I could fall onto my ass, Reese’s hands snap out and grab me.

Breathing heavily, I clutch his arms and look up into his dark eyes. The humor is gone. Being this close to him, the chemistry between us is sizzling in the air. “Too much celebrating,” I mutter.

He doesn’t respond because his eyes are trained on my mouth. If my body could speak, it would be screaming, ‘do it!’.He doesn’t make another move, and he seems unsure. I don’t want him to have any doubt. I lift as high as I can in my boots and slide my hand from his arm up to his neck.

With a soft grunt, he closes the distance between us, and his lips connect with mine.

Sparks shoot off instantly, and I feel my body turning to putty in his hands. He wraps me up nice and tight while he continues to kiss and nip at my lips. When I feel his hips thrust against me subtly, I let out a soft moan, which he quickly swallows. My open mouth gives him access, and he swipes his tongue against mine.

I’m so hot. I wouldn’t mind getting out of these clothes, especially if Reese will continue kissing me like that.

A sudden whoosh of cold air hits us from the side as another skier flies past us. Reese pulls away and looks over his shoulder to make sure we’re not about to get collided into.

When he looks back down at me, I see the want still there. I don’t want to move too fast, though, and if we keep kissing like that, I know I’m not going to have any willpower left to stop him.

“You let me win, didn’t you.” I glare at him, and instead of answering, he smirks at me and gives me a little wink.

I slap his chest playfully and pull away from him with a smile on my face.

This man is going to be a problem.



For the past several weeks, I’ve gotten into the habit of spending my time between the gym and being with Haven.

I swear it’s like a breath of fresh air when it comes to that woman. The way she sees things is completely different from anyone else I know. I enjoy being around her, no matter what we’re doing.

Shit, other than kissing, we haven’t gone further. Granted, I would in a heartbeat, but for once, I’m trying to do right by her. I don’t want her to think I only want sex from her. There’s no way that would be possible when it comes to Haven. I enjoy being around her for her personality.

I’ve taken her out to dinner three times and the movies twice since meeting her. The rest of the time, we texted and talked on the phone. I even visited the community center once to see the kids she works with.

I’ve also been trying not to think of the boxing commission. Other than when I called Kai and asked him to help me out. It’s bad enough as it is, I don’t need to stress further about it than I already have. Kai agreed to help out in any way he can, but until we know what the boxing commission officially decides to do, it’s simply a waiting game.

After spending the day with Haven on the slopes in Vail, I decided not to worry about what was going on with the rest of my life. I needed to get lost in the now rather than in what comes next. To be honest, the thought scares the hell out of me.

My phone beeps, pulling me from my thoughts. I pick it up off the counter in my kitchen and glance down to see a text message from my brother asking if I was coming to the gym. I shoot him a quick one back, stating the same thing I’ve sent lately. Guess you can say I’ve been avoiding him. Like my mother, he’s got a way of seeing too deeply into things when it comes to family.

I grab my keys and head out. I need to run a few errands this afternoon before I head to Haven’s place. It’s a quaint little place. Not big like mine. But regardless, it’s comfortable. It also suits Haven in every way.

Locking the house behind me, I make my way to the driver’s side and climb in. I look out the front window as I slip the key in the ignition and start the engine. At the end of my driveway, I spot the mailman, and it reminds me that I haven’t checked the mail in a couple of days. Normally I have the post office hold any mail that comes here, and my mom will come by once a month to pick it up, go through it and handle anything important. The same goes with my loft in Vegas, though it’s not my mom, but rather Martin when I’m not there.

I drive down the driveway and stop when I get to the end. Parking, I throw my door open, hop out, and grab my mail out of the box. Heading back to get back in the driver’s seat, I swiftly go through the mail only to come to a halt at the sight of a letter from the boxing commission.

Tossing the rest of the mail in the passenger seat, I rip the envelope open and yank the paper from within. With bated breath, I scan over the letter only to find they’ve concluded that I no longer have a career as a professional boxer. The boxing commission is taking my license from me, and I’m no longer able to fight in the ring again. Not like I’ve done for so long.

I grip the paper tightly in my hand, not able to handle the emotions overtaking my system. I can’t believe this is happening. I’m losing everything that’s meant so much to me. At a loss for what to do, I press the command button on my steering wheel.

“Call Kai,” I command. There has to be something we can do. This can’t be the end. Not now when everything was going as I’ve always wanted.

* * *
