Page 2 of Finding Reese

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“How about you tell me what this is about?”

“You’re being arrested for the assault of Ezra Mancini,” the first officer answers bluntly. “Now, turn around, hands behind your back.”

Clenching my teeth together, I do as he suggests, though I don’t want to. This is total bullshit, and we all know it. Or at least I know it.

Fucking Ezra set me up.

Slowly I do as the police want and allow them to escort me from my loft and out to the back of the squad car. Needless to say, this is not the way I wanted to wake up, let alone start my day.

* * *

“Sir, we’re releasing you out on bond and will allow you to return to your home in Ashill Woods, Colorado, under the circumstances that you will appear for your court date,” the magistrate says, locking eyes with me. “You do know what will happen if you do not abide by the terms and conditions of this request, correct?”

“Yes, Your Honor, I will appear for any and all appearances,” I agree with a nod.I’d been in a cell nearly all day before someone was able to speak with me. Evidently, they have video footage of me hitting Ezra, but there was no sound. I couldn’t fight against the video feed. I did, however, explain what had been said prior to my hitting the dickhead.

“We’ll expect you to check in daily.” The magistrate gives me a long look that tells me he’s not impressed by my actions, but the fact I have a clean record, they’ve decided to allow me to go under recognizance that I’ll be back. Which I’ll make damn sure happens.

“I will, Your Honor. I appreciate you allowing me to return to my home in Ashill Woods, and I’m willing to check in daily if that’s what it takes,” I inform the man who holds what will happen to me in the next coming weeks in his hands. I don’t want to stay in a jail cell or anywhere in Vegas.

I mean, I would stay in my loft; however, I’ve asked to be allowed to go back home for the time being. I don’t want to take the chance of reporters finding out and ending up not being able to step outside the building without them getting in my face. At least if I’m in Colorado, they won’t be able to do that since my home is gated, and no one can go in or out without the code. Meaning I can clear my head while I wait without worrying about someone unwanted coming up on me.

Besides, my home in Colorado has more space than the loft. More space to be able to move around and to hide from the world while I await what will happen next.



“I’m sorry I dragged you into this, Haven. Unfortunately, it’s not looking good.”

My insides tremble with every breath I take.

Don’t react. I can’t react.

Working at Ashill Woods Community Center is my dream job, and now Luke is telling me that there’s a good chance the program I’m in charge of is going to be canceled.

Not only does that mean I’ll be out of a job, but the dozen or so children that desperately need this program won’t have anywhere to go. How can he not see how vital this is to the community?

“Luke, there’s got to be a way. I mean, have we tried the sponsors? Other members of the community? Churches?” My palms are sweaty as I squeeze my hands together in my lap. I’m trying my hardest to keep my emotions in control, but being told to find new employment after only a few months of work can be an emotional trigger for most people.

“Haven, there’s just no excitement about the program. Honestly, did you really expect there would be? You’re not talking about helping the kids with the perfect grade point average or the kids with exceptional talents, your program is geared toward the problem children. Most of them don’t actually want to be here, and the adults don’t think they deserve to be sponsored.”

My mouth snaps shut, and I grind my teeth until the pain in my jaw slingshots up to my temple. Did he really just say that to me?

“Are you telling me that because they’ve made mistakes in life, those kids don’t deserve to better themselves? Because they are labeled deviants, society should just toss them to the wayside? Is that the message that you want to be associated with Ashill Woods Community Center?”

Luke huffs out a breath and falls back against his leather office chair. “Now, wait a minute, that’s not what I said.” He raises his hands and tilts his head as he squints at me.

“Then what are you saying? Because from where I’m sitting, those problem kids are the ones that need the most support.” With a calming breath, I shift forward in my seat and lean my forearms on his desk. “Look, you and I both know all the statistics for children on a bad path. If someone or something doesn’t help them get off that path, they’ll stay there forever. The children we work with today in here are on an express train straight to jail or death. We can help them here, Luke. We can get them off this path, all we need is a little help.”

Luke opens his mouth as if he’s going to talk but shuts it at the last second. He picks up a pen and repeatedly clicks the top of it. If the future of the program wasn’t in his hands, I would tell him just how annoying that was.

“Haven, I hear you, and truly I want to help, but I’ve got bosses too. I don’t know how long I’m going to be able to hold them off. If you can’t get some interest from both the children and the community in this program, it’ll be canceled. We’ll just have to find another way to reach those kids.”

It’s not exactly what I want to hear, but at least it’s a chance.

“Thank you! I’ll figure out a way to get more support. Just give me a little time. I’ll get it done.” I stand and offer my hand to him to shake, moving quickly before he can change his mind.

“You know, you should’ve been a lawyer or something.” Luke laughs and leans back farther in his chair.
