Page 114 of Blood Money

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Ineedto fix this.

“I am trying to fix things with Alize,” I say. It’s like I’m slicing myself open to her and I hate the feeling, but I force myself through it. “She’s my whole world, Tara, and I need to make this up to her. I want to give her everything that she wants, but she won’t even listen to me because she still thinks I did this to her.” Then I add, “I’m trying to make it right, but I need your help. I can’t afford to lose anyone else.”

I’m relieved that she seems to be considering what I’ve said. “Why should I believe you?”

My mouth falls open. “Can’t you see how far I’ve gone to keep her safe?”How far I’m willing to go?“I’m bringing her home to meet my father. This is serious to me.”

The last couple sentences just spilled out of me—I haven’t even told Alize yet—but the look on Tara’s face makes me happy that I spoke without thinking. I see the spark of surprise in her eyes. Who would have thoughtthatwould convince her.

She folds her arms across her chest, taking a step closer to me.

“Fine, I’ll find out what you need to know, but I want something in exchange.”

I can’t say I’m surprised. Nothing in our world ever comes free. Tara knows how much this means to me. She would be a fool to not use my desperation to her advantage.

“What do you want?”

She looks down at her twisting thumbs, and there’s a flash of…bashfulnesson her face? Whatever she’s about to say looks like it’s taking a lot out of her to come up with. Which makes me even more intrigued, because when has this girl ever had a problem saying what’s on her mind?

“I need you to find out something for me too,” her voice is barely above a whisper.

I’ve got a hand by my jaw. “Go on.”

“I want to know which family Erik is connected to, what he does outside of school,” she says. “I’ve been trying to find out on my own, but everyone I know is from Colombia. I think his family is from some part of Italy. I feel like you'd have a better chance of finding something than I would, with all your family’s connections in Europe.”

“Sure, I can do some digging for you.” Seems simple enough. “Why is that so important?”

Of all the lecturers here, Holmes is arguably the most mysterious. Nobody really knows who he is connected to, or why he’s even so close to the Chancellor to begin with. I never cared enough to find out, but I reckon I could.

“I think it has something to do with why he broke up with me.”

Her sentence hangs in the air between us for a while. I want to tease her about it, but I need her help. Rubbing it in won’t do me any favors. Especially when I know that ‘breakups’ are never as cut and dry as everyone makes them out to be.

At least they’re still close enough for her to think she’ll be able to find this out for me.

I hold out my hand. “Alright, let’s shake on it.”

Tara takes my hand warily, but gives me a firm handshake. In this dingy corner of Kingmaker House, a new alliance is formed between two unlikely people. I’m just hoping this is the last favor I’ll need from anyone for a while.

But the truth is so close, I can practically taste it.

I’ll do whatever it takes.



I wakewith an elephant on my chest.

My limbs are slick with sweat, and even though I’m lying on top of the covers, it’s like I’m standing in a furnace. I’m sohot. Forcing myself up on my elbows sends jolts of pain spasming through my arms and fingers.

I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus.

A few seconds later, I flop back down on the bed.

Taking a deep breath rattles my chest, and my nose and throat feel like they’re on fire. My eyes are pasted shut and it takesso much effortjust to open them and stare at the arched wooden ceiling. The fan above me is spinning madly, spitting out cool air.

But it feels like torrents of lava hitting my skin.

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