Page 37 of The Dating Mishapp

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“I just want you to go out and have fun. You missed out on so much because of me.”

“Stop that!” I say, but deep down inside, I can’t deny the fact that as a young mother in high school, I missed out on so many things, but not the things she’s thinking of. I missed so many of my little girl’s firsts. My mother was the one who heard her first word, saw her roll over, and then take her first steps. She got to witness the first time Kylie swam without assistance and rode her bike without training wheels. But I wouldn’t change a thing in my life. Regardless of my age when I gave birth, Kylie was always meant to be just mine. Whether by choice or circumstance, her father was going to be a part of her life.

“Listen, you’ve got to stop worrying about me. I’m a big girl. In fact, I’m thirty-eight!” I pull back and smile.

“And still hot as fuck!”

I narrow my eyes and bring my nose to hers, silently admonishing her. “Beautiful girls don’t say ugly words.”

“Is that why you don’t curse?”

“I… curse,” I refute hesitantly, “I called that man a son of a bitch! I just don’t do it every day. Only when the situation warrants it.”

She laughs. “Well, shit, Mom! I fucked up your birthday so you should swear!”

I roll my eyes and grin. “Well, shit, Kylie! You not only fucked up my birthday, but you also totally fucked up Valentine’s Day! Happy?”


“You ready to go home?” I ask when I hear a knock on the door.


“And by the way, Ky, you’re going to kiss a lot of frogs like Tre before you meet your prince. Remember that.”

“Who?” she asks as I pull the door open and find Jack standing there leaning against the wall. He draws his eyes up from his phone before dropping it into his pocket.

“Hey,” he says.

“Hi,” I whisper.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”


He chuckles and motions with his chin. “I was talking to her. You could still press charges.”

Kylie sighs. “No, I just want this night to be over.”

Jack looks at me, possibly gauging my thoughts.

“She’s a grown woman,” I answer with a shrug.

“Okay, then.” I can tell he disagrees and thinks she should call the police.

Together, we turn and walk down the hallway.

“Jack, thank you,” Kylie says, breaking the silence.

“No need to thank me. No man should ever treat a woman that way. Ever.”

“Hey, Ky. Can you grab our bags and meet me by the coat check?”

She smiles as her gaze flicks between Jack and me. “Sure.”


