Page 23 of Untouched

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Jay: You reallyarelearning. Because somehow you made that sound incredibly filthy.

Sophia: That’s just your brain, Jay.

Jay: Notjustmy brain.He added a winky face and something that appeared to be an aubergine, or egg-plant, as she had got used to calling them in America.

Sophia rolled her eyes, able to guess his meaning, though she laughed to herself as she strolled into the house and up to the bathroom. Before she undressed for the shower though, she sat on the edge of the bath holding her phone, then typed quickly:

Sophia: I do need your help though, teacher. If I send you Simon’s last message to me, can you tell me what you think?

He took a moment to reply.

Jay: OK.

She forwarded the message.

(Fwd) Simon: The conference finishes on the twenty-ninth, so I’ll be in Harrogate on the thirtieth. Thanks again for the invitation.

Sophia: ???

Jay: Wow, that is HOT, Clements. I’m literally fanning myself .

Sophia: But then he said…

(Fwd) Simon: I can’t wait to see you.

Sophia: ???

Jay: Hmm.

Sophia: He sent that yesterday. I haven’t replied yet. What should I say?

Jay: Just send him a nude.

Jay: But send it to me first so I can check it’s OK…

Sophia: I’m taking back my apple…

Jay: No, I love my apple!

Sophia: Be helpful then!

Jay: It’s hard without any context, Clements. Tell me what this Simon guy is like.

Sophia: Um. He’s nice. He’s a lawyer.

Jay: Two contradictory statements…

She sent him an eye roll emoji.

Sophia: He’s tall and sort of rangy and lean. He has sandy coloured hair and a tan, and he looks like he’d be far more at home on a horse on a ranch somewhere than in a suit in New York.

Sophia: His eyes crinkle when he smiles, and he has very white teeth. And the BEST laugh.

Sophia: He’s firm but fair. He’s nice to the new associates and respects all the paralegals, the secretaries, everyone really. Some of the partners are kind of horrible. But he isn’t.

Sophia: He has blue eyes.

Sophia: He’s sort of like a young Robert Redford.
