Page 24 of Untouched

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Jay didn’t reply for a moment. And when he did, it made her laugh.

Jay: Fuck, Clements. NowIfancy the guy.

Sophia: So will you help?

Jay: Of course. That’s what I’m being paid for.

They eventually settled on a reply to Simon that said merely:

Sophia: Great! I’m looking forward to seeing you too.

But which was tactically followed up a few minutes later by:

Sophia: Have a good flight.

Simon: Thank you, Sophia.

Simon: It will be worth it to see you at the end.

Giddy, she forwarded this to Jay who replied:

Jay: Kerching!

Jay: That’s my girl.

And that was it. The days passed, and then it was Thursday. And Sophia spent the whole morning in a state of fluttering agitation that even a two-hour run and an hour of archery didn’t calm.

Today was lesson three.

Touching (vaginal).

She was nervous. And she cringed every time she recalled how she had listed that item in the contract. But she was also, she had to admit, excited. Because the kiss…Jay’s kiss… How did he taste so crisp and sweet and hot? How were his lips both soft and firm? How did he kiss her mouth and make her feel it everywhere?

That kiss hadn’t just been lips and mouths and tongues. It had been a whole-body experience. She hadn’t realised a kiss could reach her toes, her belly, her breasts. She hadn’t realised she would feel it right there in that hot liquid space between her legs, winding her tight and making her beg for…

Well, for whatever was going to happen this afternoon, she supposed.

She showered thoroughly, and shaved, and moisturised, and dressed carefully in a dress she loved but seldom wore, because the skirt finished above her knee.

Her mother finally left the house just after lunch after fretting about something to do with the garden or the garage roof or something Sophia wasn’t really listening to. But finally she left, and then it was one o’clock and Sophia waited, waves of anxiety in her stomach, waves of something more thrilling lower down.

At twenty past one her phone rang. She saw Jay’s name and her heart sank. He had got cold feet. He had realised he couldn’t do it. He was calling to cancel.

She answered the phone and quietly said, “Hello.”

“How are you doing, Soph?”

“OK… I…”

“I wanted to check you hadn’t changed your mind.”

“No. Not unless you don’t want to—”

“I want to. Believe me. I’m very intrigued about these brackets.”


“Brackets, Clements.” His voice was low, like caramel. “How did you make brackets sexy?”

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