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This bitch is about to get on my last nerve. And that nerve is extremely frayed.

“What the hell are you doing at the door?” A deep voice gets closer until finally my best friend comes into view.

I can’t help but smile when a feeling of peace settles over me.

His warm brown eyes—that always seem to twinkle—widen when he sees me, and his handsome face lights up with a grin. “Holy shit, Livvie. What are you doing here?”

There’s a swath of white bandage along the side of his torso, stark against his tanned chest. God, I really do hate that he’s a cop sometimes.

But now that I’ve seen that he’s all in one piece, I can finally breathe easy.

He shoulders silicone chick out of the way and wraps his arms around me in a bear hug.

His warmth comforts me, and I bury my face in his neck, his familiar scent flooding my senses. I close my eyes and settle in. Caleb’s hugs are the best.

God, I’ve missed him.

“God, I’ve missed you,” he echoes the words in my head, murmuring them against my hair. He pulls back and looks down at me. “I can’t believe you showed up.”

I shrug and grin back at him. “You’re my best friend and in need. What did you think I was going to do?”

We grin at each other until a throat clears behind him. He rolls his eyes, and I stifle a giggle before he turns to the scantily clad girl.

He gives her his best panty-dropping smile. The one I’ve seen him give hundreds of girls over the years. “Hey, Cindy—”


“Right, Candy. Listen, you need to head out. How about I call you later?”

Her arms drop to her sides, and her eyes narrow, mouth twisted in a sneer. “Are you kidding me right now?”

“No, I’m not.”

“She’s not even your type, Caleb. She doesn’t wear makeup and her hair is so flat. You’re picking her over me?”

Caleb’s body tightens next to me and his lips flatten. “Yeah, I’m picking her over you,” he says, his voice cold as the arctic. “And I’ll pick her every single time. Now, get going.”

She stomps off like a five-year-old who didn’t get a new toy and comes back a moment later with a trench coat and heels in one hand, purse in the other. She glares at him and rolls her eyes at me as she passes us going out the door, heading to her car.

“Safe travels!” I call out when she yanks open her car door.

Caleb snort laughs, causing me to giggle, and ushers me inside.

I make a beeline for the kitchen. “First, coffee. I’ve been driving all night. Then you’re telling me what in the hell happened with this chase.”

He comes in behind me and leans against the counter, watching me with a smile on his face.

I drop a pod into the machine and press brew before turning back to him.

“What?” I ask when his brown-eyed stare goes on for several seconds.

He shrugs his broad shoulders, then winces in pain. “Ouch, damn it,” he mutters under his breath. “Just happy to see you.”

“Broken ribs?”

He shakes his head. “Just bruised, but this gash down the side makes it tough to move.”

The coffee finishes, and I pass him the cup before making my own. “Looks like I interrupted something.”
