Page 63 of Cease and Desist

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She narrowed her eyes at him. “I understand you’ve been in a similar situation, and perhaps you have an understanding of things, but don’t tell me what I’m thinking.”

He snorted. “Remy, you’re easy to read. It’s not a mystery what you’re thinking. And you’re wrong. People would be really upset if anything happened to you.” He wanted to tell her he’d be so angry with her that he’d never forgive her or himself, but that thought was too raw, too much to share.

“Gus,” he said instead. “Gus needs you. All the people that come to your shop need you. I’m sure you have lots of friends. The point is, don’t take stupid risks because you think you’re on your own or that you have the least to lose.”

A look flashed over her face but was gone too fast for him to be sure it was disappointment. What would she be disappointed about? That he didn’t say he would be upset? Hell, he’d be gutted, but sharing that piece of information would be distracting. For both of them.

“As I said, I will consider what you said. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” She gestured at him to move.

He refused to budge. She’d just go downstairs and tell them she didn’t want them to risk anything for her—to let her take the risk. She didn’t get that it was much less risky if she let the Callahans handle things. She was still too caught up in the emotion of it and the Callahans are professionals at what they do. Her common sense was gone for the moment. Well, he was just going to have to stand there and keep her from shooting off her mouth. It was a sexy mouth, and he didn’t want anything to happen to it.

“Hawk, please, I’d like to leave the room.”

“No.” He stood there blocking the doorway.

“Seriously. I need to get out.”

“And do what?” He cocked an eyebrow at her.

She frowned at him. “Fine,” she huffed. “Please close the door. I want to get some sleep.” She turned away and walked toward the en suite bathroom. Hawk stepped inside, closed the door, and went back to leaning against it with his arms folded over his chest. Did she really think he’d fall for that?

She whirled around, and a small sound of surprise escaped her lips. “Are you going to stay here all night?”

“If that’s what it takes.” His gaze traveled over her curves, the memory of last night still fresh in his mind.

Her cheeks turned a dull red. She was remembering it, too. Glad he wasn’t the only one. He grinned. He couldn’t help it. She’d yelled his name when she came, and it had sounded like music to his ears. If he had to spend the night making her yell his name over and over again to stop her from doing something stupid, he was game. He just needed to make sure it wouldn’t interfere with his ability to protect her.

Fat chance.It was way too late for that. He knew it in his bones. Remy had gotten under his skin, and now he wanted her in his life. No matter what.

“I’m going to get ready for bed.” She turned on her heel and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. He ran a hand over his scalp and sighed. This was going to be a long fucking night. He wasn’t leaving her by herself. He had a primal need to make sure she was safe, which meant making sure she wouldn’t volunteer to do something stupid.

He rubbed his face with both hands. He hadn’t talked to his family since Christmas. He’d sent them all gifts he thought they would enjoy, apologizing for not being able to get away. In truth, he had worked but he didn’t have to. He could have taken a few days off if he wanted to, but he just didn’t like to be back in that house. It made him remember all the times he had been so happy there. He mourned it every time he went home. He just wouldn’t be happy that way again, not there anyway.

He understood perfectly why they’d lied. He came from a small town in Kentucky where everybody gossiped. A pregnant sixteen-year old would get labeled as some kind of no-good white trash, and her life would be over as far as the town thought. Her parents tried to protect her from a situation there was no coming back from. He got it. That didn’t mean he had to like it or want to be a part of it.

Maybe he should go down and tell Mitch and Gage that Remy was in a bit of a tailspin and not to listen to her when she came to them to volunteer for something dangerous. The whole thing was going to be dangerous enough without her trying to steal the biometric wallet or break into the meeting room.

The bathroom door opened, and Remy came out wearing a black lace thong and nothing else.Fuck.Every lick of spit in his mouth dried up. She looked so damn hot; it was hard to remember he wasn’t supposed to touch her. It was fine to joke about spending the night in bed with her but, in reality, it was a shitty idea. The type of idea that led to him making poor decisions in the heat of battle. The type of idea that led to him having blue balls.

She walked over and stood in front of him. “Since you’re going to spend the night here, you might as well make yourself useful.” She ran her hands over his chest.

He gritted his teeth. Jesus, he was hard already. How the hell was he supposed to turn her down? “Remy”—his voice shook with desire—“you need sleep, and us being involved… It’s just not smart.” He had no idea what he was doing after her situation was settled. None. He wanted to be able to travel across the world and not have a thought about anyone being left behind.Didn’t he?

“I don’t want to be involved, Hawk. I want to have sex. I want to sleep curled up in your arms where I feel safe, and more than anything right now, I want to feel safe.”

His heart lurched. It was possible he wanted her safe more than she did. Remy secure in his arms was the only thing that would make the knots in his gut unfurl. He could relax then knowing she was out of danger and she was his. God, this was killing him.

“Honey, I need to have a clear head to protect you. We broke all the rules last night but there can’t be a repeat performance.” His heart couldn’t take it. Too bad his body had other ideas.

She cocked an eyebrow and ran her hand over his erection. “I want you to make my knees weak and my insides melt. I want to feel you and yell your name. Are you game?”

It was stupid and dangerous and he needed her probably more than she needed him at the moment.Fuck!He moved so fast that she let out a small squeak as he pushed her against the door. “You bet your ass I am.” He had one hand on either side of her head. “Are you sure about this?”

When she nodded, he glanced at her parted lips and swore. Then he swooped down and claimed her mouth. She opened wider to let him in, and their tongues moved over each other. She tasted like toothpaste. He moved one hand up to hold her head while he deepened the kiss. He wanted to touch and taste every fucking inch of this woman.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought her body in full contact with his. He cupped her ass and pulled her hips against his rock-hard erection. His body was already aching, knowing where this kiss was leading.

He dragged his lips down her neck. She let out a moan and tugged on his sweater. He leaned away from her and pulled his sweater over his head with one hand. He dropped it on the floor and immediately reclaimed her mouth.
