Page 114 of The Rook

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The hairs at the back of my neck stood at attention. Was this it? Were they finally going after my father?

"Amelia, you're freaking me out."

She pulled up her phone and shoved it toward me. "Have you ever seen this?"

I frowned. "No, should I have?"

"This is a ledger. It belongs to Antonio Igno."

"Okay, what's that got to do with me?"

"Your father stole it from him."


"Yes. Apparently, this is what Igno has been looking for. We weren’t able to capture much from the bug you placed, but we have a few things."

"So he doesn't know I captured any part of the meeting with them?"

“Doesn’t look that way. He’s preoccupied with your father. Believes he hid the ledger with you.”

"What? Why?"

“My guess is your father tipped his hand that he has the ledger, and Igno is taking a guess.”

“So it’s at the house,” I murmured.

“Likely. Your father will want to keep it close."

“If he took the book, it is in his safe. That’s where he’d keep it. God can he even read the ledger? Don’t these things have like a decoder or something?”

“Are you certain it would be in his safe? Are there any other locations you can think of where he'd stash something?"

"A hundred percent certain. He’s so paranoid I’m sure that’s the only place he’d stash it.”

"I've got the schematics here of your house, I'll send it to you to double-check other options."

"Why do you have schematics of my house?"

" Julian Montgomery amassed a fortune after two of his friends died, and they just happened to be your bodyguard’s parents. A massive fortune that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. We've had him on our radar for years."

"And still somehow you haven’t managed to put him away until I came along."

"You've been very helpful, Nissa, but I don't want you to do anything dangerous. I'm worried about you now. This could get really messy."

"Wait. You knew he was dangerous and had a child in his care, but you didn't worry about my safety until I'm about to give you all the evidence to capture him? Seems like the time for worry should have been back then."

"That was unfortunate."

"Unfortunate? That's the word you are using?"

"You have to trust someone at some point in time.”

She had a point there. I didn't trust anyone. People leave you, lie to you, steal from you. Why should I be in a hurry to trust anyone?

You trust Westin.

But that was different. He literally put his body between danger and myself to keep me safe. Of course, I trusted him.

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