Page 205 of Break the Ice

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“Coach looks ready to blow a gasket, and Austin will have to miss the next game, but it was worth it.” She grinned at me, and I grinned back.

“So worth it.”

“Now all we need is our guys to wipe the ice with them.”


The atmosphere in the locker room was solemn as Coach pinned each one of us with a scathing look.

“It’s a good fucking thing you won out there. Holden, son. Care to explain what the fuck you were doing inciting a brawl?”

“Coach, I wasn’t—”

“One of their players baited him, sir. Heard it with my own ears,” Ward gave me a subtle nod.

“Baited… what are you? A bunch of twelve-year-olds pumped full of hormones? You’re grown men. I expect you to act like it. And you, Austin. Don’t even get me started on that little stunt you pulled.”

“Couldn’t let Holden have all the fun, Coach.” Austin shot me a shit-eating grin. One I couldn’t help but return.

“Is this a joke to you?”

“No, sir,” he said. “But I think you should know that the asshole deserved it, Coach.”

Even Coach Walsh’s mouth twitched at that.

“Unbelievable,” Coach Tucker murmured, stroking his jaw. “Whether he deserved it or not, I can’t have half my team throwing down before the puck has even hit the ice.”

“It won’t happen again, sir,” Austin said.

“You’re damn right, it won’t. Now get showered and get the fuck out of my sight while I decide what to do with you all.” He marched off to his office, slamming the door behind him.

“On a scale of one to ten, how pissed do you think—”

“Not the time, Morgan.” Coach Walsh shook his head. “Just tell me one thing, did he deserve it?”

I looked to Austin and understanding passed between us. “More than deserved it.”

“Then, in that case, we draw a line. It’s done. Next time we meet the Falcons on the ice, you take the high road.”

“Yes, Coach.”

“I’ll go smooth things over with Coach Tucker.” His eyes found mine. “Good game tonight.”

After things had cooled down and the game had gotten going, I’d scored five goals.

There was no better feeling than watching Sudeikis’ shoulders slowly droop as the minutes ticked by, and our score kept rising.

I’d half-stripped out of my uniform when Austin approached me.

“You good?” he said, and I nodded.

“You?” I dropped my eyes to his tender knuckles.

“It was worth it.”

“Yeah. But why’d you do it?”

I’d been ready to beat the crap out of Sudeikis when Austin had glided in like a white knight on freshly sharpened skates.
