Page 84 of Break the Ice

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But the question was, what?

The next day, I sat in class, still pondering how to fix things with Aurora, when a familiar face entered my periphery.

“Sam, what are you—”

“Surprise.” She sat down beside me and started getting out her things.

“Wait, you’re taking this class?”

“Well, yeah. I wouldn’t be here otherwise. I thought it would be a nice surprise.”

Oh, it was a surprise, alright.

“I had to switch a couple of my classes due to a clash, and this one came up, and I’ve always wanted to take an accounting class. So now we can be study buddies, yay.”

My brows furrowed as I fought the urge to ask her what the hell she was doing. But it wasn’t like she’d switched to one of the sports electives.

I couldn’t dictate what classes she did or didn’t take. But it threw a serious kink in my plan to put some space between us.

“I aced math in high school,” she whispered while the professor made his way onto the stage.

“You did?”

“Yep. I’m not just a pretty face, you know.”

My lips quirked. When she wasn’t coming on too strong, Sam was fun to be around. She didn’t take herself too seriously and never cared too much about what she looked like. It’s one of the things I’d like about her. Her easy, laid-back, approachable personality.

But I still wasn’t sure we could go back to how things were before we fell into bed together.

Or if I even wanted to now that—

I stopped that train of thought. Aurora wasn’t mine. I didn’t owe her anything. I’d told her to go on the date with the English major, for fuck’s sake.

My fist clenched on the desk, and Sam leaned in. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. He’s about to start,” I tipped my head in the direction of the professor, who thankfully chose that second to introduce himself.

The minute he started talking about accrual and consistency principles, I realized I’d made a mistake taking this class. I fucking hated numbers. But it was too late now.

After ten minutes of listening to him drone on, I’d all but zoned out.

“Noah,” Sam nudged me in the ribs, and my head snapped to hers. “Are you asleep?”

“Nope. Just resting my eyes.”

“Seriously, if you want to keep your GPA up, you need to—”

“Okay, Mom,” I said through gritted teeth.

She rolled her eyes, and I regretted ever confiding in her that I hadn’t passed all my credits freshman year and that this year I was going to have to work my ass off if I wanted to stay eligible for my scholarship.

Thanks to Sam’s nagging, I managed to stay alert for the rest of the class. But I didn’t feel any better about things when we filed out of the room.

Dragging a hand down my face, I let out a frustrated sigh.

Sam chuckled. “Feeling the pressure?”

“Something like that.”
