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“They stabilized her and took her into surgery, but it’s serious.”

“What happened?”

He took her by the arm, led her to a chair, and helped her sit. “Where is Mr. Baker?”

“He’s... He’s with Agent Gunn. With Kyle’s b-body.”

Max wanted to ask what happened to Kyle, but didn’t want to put Mrs. Baker through telling him the story. So he stuck with what happened to Kenna for now and gave her a bare-bones outline of what happened.

Mrs. Baker paled. “It feels like it was all so coordinated to kill my children.”

“That asshole got what he deserved for hurting Kenna,” Cyn snarled, apparently the alcohol helping to keep her anger amped up.

Max made a quick introduction of everyone to Mrs. Baker, who already knew his brother Chase, but hadn’t met Shelby and Cyn.

“It’s been so hard to be separated from her. When we heard she was staying with you... Well, it eased our minds to know she was with someone she loved.” Mrs. Baker waved her hand and frowned. “I know you twobroke up a long time ago, but she never stopped caring about you.”

“I feel the same way,” he admitted, filling her in on how they’d reconciled their past, how Hillary had been the instrument of their relationship’s destruction, and how they’d gotten back together.

Mrs. Baker teared up again. “I am so happy for you both.”

Max’s heart soared at that news. He didn’t want her parents to still harbor resentments about him, or be apprehensive about them getting back together.

She clasped her hands tight. “I just want Kenna to be happy and have the life she wants. This can’t be the end.”

“It’s not.” Max couldn’t even entertain the notion that Kenna wouldn’t make it.

The doctor stepped into the room. “I’m Dr. Conway.” He looked to Mrs. Baker. “Are you Kenna’s mom?”

Mrs. Baker shot up to her feet, anxious as Max for information. “Yes. How is she?”

The doctor gave them all a sweeping glance. “May I speak about her medical information in front of everyone?”

Mrs. Baker nodded. “Just tell us. Is she going to be okay?”

Of course, the doctor didn’t answer that directly. “Kenna is stable and in recovery at the moment.”

That only frustrated and scared Max more. He wanted details.

“She has a slight concussion and stitches on the sideof her head. We removed the ones in the back of her head. As for the gunshot wound, there was no major internal damage, though she lost a lot of blood. She has two cracked ribs. It could have been a lot worse. I expect her to make a full recovery, though the ribs will take the longest to heal.”

Mrs. Baker let out a heavy sigh. “Thank God.”

Max felt his world right itself.

The doctor tried to look reassuring. “You can see her as soon as she’s out of recovery and in a room. Because of the blood loss, we gave her a transfusion, but she’ll be fatigued for days to come because of it.”

“Is she awake?” Max desperately wanted a yes.

“She is, though she’s tired. With the head injury, we’ll be monitoring her closely as well as giving her antibiotics to stave off any sort of infection. Give us another twenty minutes or so to get her settled, then I can let you see her. Just one or two of you at a time for now. She needs to rest.”

Max understood the doctor wanted to give Kenna the best care possible, but that didn’t make it any easier for him to wait. “Doc, she’s my... everything. How long before I can take her home?”

“I’d like to keep her here for a couple of days. What’s your name?”

“Max Wilde.”

“I’ll tell her when I go in to see her that you’re here and waiting for her.”
