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He tried to do as she asked throughout the late morning and stay focused on Hunt and Cyn as they exchanged vows. The happy couple stood under a trellis he’d helped Chase and Hunt build for the outdoor ceremony. They’d strung tiny white lights all through it and the florist had made it beautiful with bouquets of white and purple flowers.

He felt so full of joy for them when they finished their vows, exchanged rings, and kissed for the first time as man and wife. He wished so badly that Kenna had been here to see it and be by his side.

Even more special, Hunt and Cyn signed the adoption papers. They were officially Lana’s mom and dad. The ceremony was as profound and special as the wedding.

And now Cyn and Lana were officially Wildes.

Though the wedding was small, the cheers were huge. The love abundant.

He couldn’t wait for it to be him and Kenna.

But first, she needed to heal. He needed to propose.

They needed to set a date and make it happen.


Because he didn’t want to wait.

He wanted her to be the next Mrs. Wilde. The one and only for him.

Since it was early December, they moved into the house for brunch, champagne, and the rest of the celebrating. Hunt and Cyn had rearranged the furniture in the house to accommodate the dining tables. The florist had decorated the mantel and tables with the same purple and white flowers they’d done outside. The fireplace blazed, keeping the house warm and inviting.

Max sat through it all, happy for his brother, but anxious to get back to Kenna. He sent pictures to her phone. But since the doctor told her no screen time, she didn’t see them. He’d shut off her phone and tucked it into the bag Shelby had been kind enough to pack for her andstash in the little closet in her hospital room so she’d have something to wear home.

She could look at the pictures later.

Lyric tapped his shoulder. “It’s your turn to give a toast.”

Right.Max stood and held up his glass. He’d listened to Chase’s heartfelt speech. Now he needed to come through for his brother. He’d thought he’d have time to prepare before the wedding, but he’d forgotten everything he needed to do while sitting next to Kenna’s hospital bed replaying the events of that night over and over, thanking his lucky stars Kenna survived. A few inches to the left and that bullet would have killed her.

He saw himself shoot the bastard who tried to kill her. It played out like an action movie, him as a detached spectator. He was glad the guy died and couldn’t harm Kenna again. But still he knew at some point the reality of what he did would hit him.

He’d been justified. But still, he helped take a life.

He looked at Hunt and Cyn sitting next to each other, Hunt’s arm around her shoulders, her hand on his thigh. Their smiles said it all. They were so happy and in love.

Max didn’t want to dwell on the past, but focus on the here and now and what mattered most.

He met Hunt’s joyful eyes. “I spent my whole life watching you and Chase, wanting to be like you. I sometimes laughed and mostly sympathized when you two screwed up. I cheered when things went right. I saw how hard you both worked to build a life for yourselves. How you strived to be the best at what you do. How selfless you both were in wanting to help others. Howhard you fell when the right woman walked into your lives.”

Chase looked at Shelby and smiled.

Hunt couldn’t contain the smile he laid on Cyn.

“I see the happiness and love that’s enriched your lives and given you both a sense of peace and belonging. It wasn’t easy for you. You had to protect that love, build on it, fight to hold on to it.” He looked between Hunt and Cyn. “You had to put your lives on the line for each other. For Lana. And now, after all that, you get to be what was always meant to be.” He thought of him and Kenna. “A family.” He couldn’t wait for him and Kenna to be officially one, too. “I wish you both nothing but happiness from here on out. You’ve earned it. You deserve it.” He held his glass out toward little Lana sitting in the car seat on a high chair beside Cyn. “Welcome to the family, baby girl.” He held his glass out to Cyn. “Mrs. Wilde. I love you, Hunt.” He swept his glass across them. “This is perfect. This is everything. Cheers.”

“Cheers,” the crowd said in unison and drank to the happy couple.

Max took his seat.

Lyric put her arm over his shoulders and hugged him to her side. “That was really sweet. I know you’re desperate to get back to Kenna, but it’s good to have you here with the family.”

“How come you didn’t bring a date?”

She eyed him. “Who would I bring?”

“That guy at the bar who is always watching out for you that Jax is always grumbling about.”
