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The warning in his tone didn’t deter her as she narrowed her gaze at him, trying to organize the truth swarming in her head.

“You didn't kill the old captain. You made a deal with him to claim this ship and his old crew.”


“I made a deal with him to claim this ship so he could walk away from the pirate life like he always wanted. He wanted to be a free man. I inherited some of his crew and formed the rest...and of course, I inherited his enemies along the way.” Restlessness vibrated from him as he drank from his brandy glass, then seemed to change his mind. “Everyone except this crew knew the truth. Those outside the crew who knew him intimately thought he was dead. He was supposed to stay dead, but I guess his new identity gave him the advantage to restart his thieving ways without the reputation already attached to him.”

“You mean without being hunted in that other part of the ocean that Moon talked about.”

“That’s right. He even got his most sadistic man back working for him.” He stalked toward her. “You are not supposed to be here.”

“So, all those stories about you murdering one of the most dangerous pirates at sea was a carefully fabricated lie.”

“So was his reputation. There are more dangerous pirates than him.”

Something in his tone caught her attention, an edge that felt off. He meant it.

“Is your name even Isaiah?”

“Yes. Believe it or not, we have the same name. He’s Isaiah Cross. I’m Isaiah Charles. We both took our turns being Isaiah the Great.”

“And what of your reputation?”

“Iamnotorious. I have killed with my bare hands, and that’s not going to stop anytime soon. Everyone should fear me.”

“That’s a lie.”


“You would only kill to protect those you care about. All those notorious tales have spread because you let them spread and retained your mystery, keeping everyone at a distance and wary of you. I know the houses at Ostrov Krovarewary of you, though they can’t resist your goods.” A pause. “Why would you want that? Why would you want to inherit what Cross had?”

“Because I needed his reputation. I needed people to fear me.”

“Why?” she insisted.

“Because. Nicola, are you even listening to me?”

“I am.” His previous words took form. “Why can't I be here? Because you don’t want me to find out the truth?”

“No. Because he gave me a few minutes to think. Alone. Now I'm alone with you.”

As soon as he was in front of her, she realized it wasn’t just anger billowing off his form. Brown eyes pinned her with a searing look, one that made her shiver and freeze.


“Didn’t I tell you about calling my name like that?” he warned, but it was too late as his decision was made. Isaiah’s mouth came first, covering hers with an urgency that slithered down her belly. She gasped, but he took advantage of it and parted her lips open until he was kissing her with a hot, fiery hunger that choked her hard…then, caressed every fiber of her being.

She gripped his shirt, perhaps an initial reaction to push him back. She pulled him closer instead, holding on when he tilted his head and angled the kiss deeper. When his tongue delved in and swept across her, she felt her knees weakening, but he held her steady and backed them against a wall, where he stroked her tongue with his and continued his delicious assault.

It was too much but not enough. She wanted more, could feel herself drowning in desire but didn’t care, the selfish streak taking over and one word reverberating across her senses.Mine. Mine.The arrogant, unscrupulous pirate shouldn’t feel like heaven and taste like sin. But he did.

“Fuck it. You shouldn’t be here. You are not safe from me.”

If it was an attempt at chivalry, it failed because that low, hoarse voice did nothing but shoot electricity between her legs. She arched into him, rubbing like a cat and feeling the answering jolt of his cock. Her hand reached out, but he was faster, catching her wrist.

“You won’t hurt me,” she replied belatedly.

He chuckled, but it sounded crazed. He broke the kiss and traced his mouth down her throat, landing on a spot and sucking gently. Her core throbbed, feeling everything. As if he sensed it, his free hand cupped her there.
