Page 33 of Beniamino Deluca

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I giggled because he wasn’t exactly hiding his enthusiasm.

When we reached the door, it opened and Max stepped inside.

“Hey,” he looked down at me momentarily. He smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “We need to go handle something.”

They stared at each other for a moment and Max gave a small nod. Beni sighed and turned to me.

“Firefly, I’m going to have Denny take you home. I’ll call you later, but something important is happening and I need to go handle it. I’m sorry.” I saw the regret in his eyes. I knew it wasn’t on purpose that I was disappointed, but it still stung.

“Me, too. It’s okay, I’ll give you a raincheck.”

“Really?” His eyes lit up.

“Yes, really.” I smiled.

He kissed me briefly and moved to exit. Then he came back for another before he left again.

I giggled and the guard standing nearby cleared his throat.

“I’ll walk you out.” He said.

I nodded and waved to Tim and Angie. Outside, Martina was standing on the porch watching Beni and Max get into a car that was in the driveway. They pulled off quickly after and Denny stepped from his car.

“Ready, m’lady?” He bowed near the door.

I giggled at him and nodded. “You bet.”

“Wait!” Martina said as she rushed into the house. She returned with a shopping bag and handed it to me.

“For you and Beni. You’ll probably see him before I do. I put an extra slice of cake in there for you too.” Then she gave me a mama bear hug before she let me go.

Bah. She was much too kind. I knew that we’d be friends already if we’d met before Beni and I. However, I treaded lightly given the situation. I didn’t know what Beni and I were doing and I didn’t want to make it awkward if things didn’t work out between us. I gave her another hug before I turned toward the car. He opened the door and I got in. The back of the car felt lonely now that Beni wasn’t here to share it with me. Denny made small talk as we drove to distract me.

Despite that Beni wasn’t here, my night had been wonderful. I’d enjoyed the dinner much more than I’d ever anticipated. Martina’s house offered a level of ease that I wasn’t used to. Even when me and my mother were together, it was never this carefree any more. She fussed over my lack of love life and avoiding talking about herself at all costs. This was what I’d always envisioned dinners to be like.

At home, I put away all the food and I’d text Beni later to find out when he’d come get some of this. She’d packed enough for a small army and I knew from watching him eat that most of it was for Beni. Now, though, I was tired. I vegged in bed, turned on the TV, and relaxed in my PJ shorts and tank. I remembered the moving starting but I couldn’t tell you what happened beyond the opening credits.



Before we entered the warehouse, the side door opened, and a man was being dragged out. I squinted against the darkness, positive that the man was Marcus.

What the hell was he doing here?

They shoved him into a car and the two men got in as well before driving off.

“I wonder what the hell that was about?” Massimo asked.

“Me, too. I’m positive that was Simone’s ex. He’s got a bad gambling problem.”

“Didn’t you say that someone vandalized her car over him?”

“I did.”


Cecil Ricci stood in the middle of the room when we entered. He had nine guards with him. I’d only brought six that were near Martina's place, plus Massimo. That was plenty. Cecil was a pretty motherfucka who didn’t get his hands dirty. I knew how to get down when I had to. I wasn’t above handling everybody in here, even if it took my own life to do it.
