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“So, what happens, just so I know to get a puzzle or something while you and Syar are busy.”

Reynaldo chuckled. “Oh, pet. You are the primary target. Syar is excellent, but you are our mate.Heknows the difference between a lover and a mate.”

She blushed. “So, what happens?”

“Well, my transformation kicks in, I grab you, and possibly flip Syar over my shoulder. Then, I get us all to the pool, and we spend time going mad together until he feels he has done his utmost to rut you.”

Syar smiled. “Two days are exceptional. Three days are unusual. Four days are standard.” He snorted, “One day is unheard of.”

“Oh. Good. Glad I don’t have a day job.”

Syar grinned. “I am your day job. What are you going to do with the money?”

“Open a charity for foster kids to assure that they get therapy when they are first entered into the system. Giving them tools to deal with the adults who hand them around is essential. Even the ones who mean well are difficult to deal with at first. They need a fighting chance and a guide to the tools that they can call on if they need them.”

Syar blinked. “You can do that with what I am paying you?”

“Yes. It’s a start. It will let children who have gotten out of the system grade therapists for the children who are still inside. They know who does and doesn’t understand the nuance of the situation.” She started to tick off the ways and means to her goal, and by the time she finished the subject, it was ten and Syar and Reynaldo were walking her to the dance studio in town. The instructor was Madame Aroha. She demonstrated the local dances, coached Ven through the basics, and then graded her.

“Well, she isn’t proficient, but I think she could go into our third-tier class.”

Ven smiled. “This goes against what I have recently learned; it is loosening all the things I just tightened.”

Aroha laughed. “We will loosen up those hips in no time.”

Reynaldo chuckled. “That’s my job.”

“Um, yes. We have a class starting this Saturday.”

“I believe that we should go with private instruction for her. Beginning next week.” Syar smiled. “We can join in for her graduation.”

Aroha gasped. “In public? You haven’t performed publicly in years. You are such a wonderful dancer, Your Majesty.”

Reynaldo looked at him. “You danced?”

Syar nodded. “Until...”

Ven curled against him and said, “I will if you will.”

He smiled. “You are going to work hard to get up to show level.”

“I can manage.” Ven stroked his cheek.

Reynaldo cleared his throat. “I am going to get supplies. You two stay together until I get back.”

Syar nodded. “We will. We won’t leave each other’s side.”

Reynaldo had a dark wave of fur wash over his face. Ven blinked. “Oh. Right.”

They finished with the instructor, got a pineapple smoothie from a nearby vendor, and headed back to the residence. Reynaldo had been away from them for thirty minutes when he came into the office, his skin replaced by a jaguar’s spotted hide. His nose and mouth had stretched into a boxy muzzle, and his hands opened and closed at his sides.

Syar had warned folks over the phone that he would be out of communication for a few days.

Ven had talked to Penny and Edgar about the same thing.

Penny had smiled. “Heats are fun.”

“This is a rut. So, he is going off, not me.” Ven didn’t have heats. Never had.
