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Ven hissed. “Put me down.”

“No. I was very worried, and now I am going to be protective for a while.”

She sighed and stroked his cheek. “Stop being a dumbass.”

He looked at her with his brows raised. “The blood and brain are still in the sand and shrubs on the hill. Four hundred metres from where we are right now. The kidnappers beat onlookers who tried to stop them. They fired from that point near the reef. It was chaos. The wordworrieddoesn’t cover it. Syar knew what to do, and he started making calls.”

Syar took her hand. “Their masks were discarded as they got away. They were going to ransom then dump your body when they got the money.”

“You got that from masks?”

“If they weren’t worried about being seen, it was because they were sure you couldn’t identify them. You weren’t blindfolded?”

“No.” She winced. She had figured out the ramifications as well but didn’t leak her panic through the link.

Syar sighed. “You knew.”


“You just had a flash of guilt. You knew.”

“The second that I got the go signal, I went.” She pressed her head with her open palm for a moment.

“But you knew.”

“I guessed. Same reasons you did. Lack of mask.” She shrugged. “When they threw Lucas in with me, that was too convenient. I was going to be the example for him to get his money together.”

“How did you get loose?”

“I could have shredded the zip-ties, but they make a specific sound, so I did what people have done for centuries.”

Syar pressed her hand to his cheek. “What was that?”

“I told him I had to pee then climbed his back and tore out his throat.” She smiled. “That move made Lucas nervous, so I left him with the body and took the guns.”

Reynaldo asked, “You can shoot?”

“Yeah. My last foster dad was a farmer, and he believed that if we were stable enough, we should learn what other kids in the area did. So, off to the gun range until I had a nice grouping and shot a minimum of three bullets per torso.”

Nova mentioned, “She got six of them before I took over.”

“Before you dropped me over the edge. How many were left?”

Nova grinned, “A few. None now.”

“Where is Mort?”

Nova shrugged. “He was called back to the rig platform. Oh, your guys have asked me to be your bodyguard while you run around the village and if we head to the mainland. What do you think about it?”

“Fine with me. I am taking a dance class, so you will have to participate.”

Nova snorted. “I will manage.”

“Yeah, right. It is like squat day.”

Reynaldo laughed, Syar grinned, and said, “I am telling Madame.”

“Great. Do it. It’s going to be a few days before I get back to her studio.”
