Page 42 of Rise of a Kingdom

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The thought of doing just that, of Stella fighting against me, and the sounds that Stella makes as she takes my cock to the hilt, has my dick thickening in the constraint of my pants. I take the next bend wide, and a small little blue Mercedes sports car almost collides with my new Porsche. I slam on the brakes causing dirt and rocks to fly around us. The other idiot slams hard on his brakes, fishtailing, losing control of his vehicle, and slamming into the weed-infested embankment.For fuck sakes!I shift the car into park and climb out to see if he’s hurt. I can hear Jake complaining loudly behind me as he exits my vehicle that if I was going a little slower, none of this would have happened.

I reach the vehicle just as the driver’s side door opens, and my wife’s fucking asshole of an assistant pops out. “Are you fucking crazy, Jaxon! You almost killed me!” He shouts, his face red and his blue eyes wide with shock. He stumbles towards me, unsteady on his feet, and we turn to watch his car slide further down the embankment. “Ah, hell!” I shake my head with irritation; I guess he’s lucky he wasn’t still inside of it. Not going to say I wouldn’t have liked it if the little prick disappeared, though.

I don’t have time for this shit; I have to get to Stella. I turn to walk back to my car as two different voices shout after me. “Jaxon, where the fuck are you going?” “Jaxon, you can’t leave me here like this, fucker!”

I turn back around with rage filling my veins. These two fuckers, are trying to stop me from reaching my goal. To get to my lovely viper of a wife. I won’t fucking have it! I will leave them stranded on the side of the fucking road if I have to, but I am getting to Stella. “Get in the fucking car and shut up, or I’m leaving both you fuckers behind.”

They both race across the asphalt and into the passenger side door. Tyson squeezes his long-fit body into my back seat, and once again, I am reminded that I don’t trust the handsome fuck around my wife. After we reconcile, she needs to fire his ass and find an ugly-looking assistant, maybe one covered in moles with a droopy eye.

“Where are you going, Jaxon? She’s going to be furious if you charge up there!” Tyson questions in that voice that annoys the fuck out of me. The one that suggests he knows my wife better than I do.Fuck you, asshole!I know every part of her intimately, and all my parts are about to be thoroughly reacquainted with hers.

“He’s going to get his wife back. He hasn’t quite figured out how he’s going to do that or even what he’s going to say, but he’s determined to get her back.” I hear the humor and sarcasm in Jake’s voice as he replies to Tyson. I should fire his ass at the same time I have Stella fire, Tyson. We can share the ugly, mole-covered new assistant.

“You’re not serious? Please tell me you actually have a plan on how you are going to get her to listen to you?” Tyson inquires with exacerbation. “Jaxon, she is beyond hurt. She’s crushed with everything that happened and she’s angry. She’s really, really angry.”

“I didn’t fucking cheat! I was set up by Kalista. She forced that compromising-looking situation and had a photographer hidden to take photos. I didn’t touch her; I wasn’t with her. I would never fuck around with another woman behind Stella’s back, especially Kalista Cain. Give me a little credit, assholes; I know my wife. She can be a vengeful demon when she wants to. Why would I put myself in that position where someone could catch me?”

A pang of regret fills me at my words, because they are lies or at least not complete truths. I did fuck around that very first night of our marriage, and with Kalista. I brought that cunt home on my wedding night. That shame and regret lives inside of me of how stupid I was. That was before, though, before I really knew Stella. Before I realized the precious gift, I had in my wife. In the past, before I came to the realization that I am deeply in love with her.

As for being led into the compromising situation, I should have realized what was happening. I should have seen the signs of vengeance in Kalista’s face. While I didn’t go out there with her, and I pushed her away, I still should have known better. I had a duty to have stayed away from her and refused to speak privately with her. I ought to have realized that she would do something to try to hurt Stella. I’m an idiot; I readily admit it. Some part of me never believed that Kalista would try anything against Stella. My wife is the boogeyman of the elite; who would be stupid enough to go against her?Well, now I know who.

I’m a fucking mindless imbecile, one who placed himself in this situation, not once but twice now, and caused my wife and the love of my life devastating pain. I don’t even know if Stella should forgive me, even if I grovel on my knees,which I fully intend to. I have now given her everything; the only thing left I have to offer is my heart and my sincere apology. Part of me feels like that won’t be enough, and I may lose her anyway. The other part of me refuses even to acknowledge the possibility of ever having to let her go.Fuck that shit; she belongs to me. She’s mine.

“I have signed over all of Stratford Industries to her. I will give her anything that she wants, anything that she needs in order to punish me further, other than a divorce. I will spend the rest of my fucking days making it up to her!” I shout in the enclosed space, finally causing both these fuckers to shut their gapping traps.

“Boss, you really signed over the whole company to her?” Jake asks in a quiet voice.

A sigh leaves my stiff lips; my jaw is clenched so tight, I’m pretty sure I have cracked a molar. My hands tighten on the steering wheel, and I take my eyes momentarily off the road to meet his astonished brown ones. “You still don’t understand. None of that matters if I lose her. She’s my everything.”

“Fuck! Okay, well, she’s up at the new house, probably still crying into that bottle of wine she was drinking before I left. She’s for sure going to throw something at you, and I wouldn’t put it past her to call the cops and have you charged with trespassing. Hopefully, between the three of us, we can get her calmed down enough to hear you out. But whatever you’re going to say, it better be good. I don’t think she will give you more than one opportunity.” Tyson sighs and leans between the two front seats, fierce determination reflecting back at me from the rearview mirror.

“Jesus, she’s going to maim all three of us.” Jake groans.

“It’s a good thing she doesn’t have security up there with her, she probably would have had one of them shoot Jaxon.” Tyson spits out with humor. I almost take my hand off the steering wheel and backhand the fucker for enjoying the thought of someone shooting me.

I round the last quarter mile, pressing my foot down to floor the accelerator and causing both men to slam back in their seats. “It’s the blue one, coming up! Slow down, Jaxon, before you miss it!” Tyson grabs onto the back of Jake’s seat with a white-knuckled grip.

I spot the house and pull up the long narrow driveway until I’m stopping in front of a wide white porch surrounded by square white columns, dark blue cedar siding, large windows, and a massive white front door that is currently wide open into the rapidly fading evening light.What the fuck? That doesn’t look right.

“What the hell, I made sure that was locked before I left.” Tyson’s words have me rushing out of the car and up the porch. Tyson and Jake are on my heels. We enter the foyer to complete chaos, furniture, and pieces of pottery everywhere. A struggle clearly evident from the destruction. Terror races through my body, someone is here. Someone that is trying to hurt Stella, and clearly, she fought back. I race through the house, Jake taking the left and Tyson the right corridor, each of us moving with caution as we search. “Jaxon!” Tyson calls, and I follow the sound at a run entering the impressive large kitchen to see more destruction and blood across the Calcutta marble island. My stomach drops at the smears of red blood across its surface. Is it hers, is Stella injured somewhere?

I race out of the room and up the stairs, seeing more evidence of destruction, and struggle up here. I follow it down a wide hallway to where I assume the main suite must be located. The large wood door is barely hanging on its hinges and looks like a battering ram has been taken to it. There are no sounds coming from anywhere in the house other than Jake and Tyson’s footsteps rapidly approaching behind me in the hall. I hesitate, reaching for the door, a sense of trepidation filling my bones. My stomach lurches and tightens painfully as my heart spasms in my chest.Please be all right; please be all right.It’s a mantra going over and over in my mind. I push the door open, and the sight that greets me has me falling to my knees.

“No!” The anguished sound is ripped from my body and sounds like an animal roaring.



“Love grows. Lust wastes by Enjoyment, and the Reason is, that one springs from an Union of Souls, and the other from a Union of Sense.” William Penn

Tysonpushespastmeon my knees and heads towards Stella, while Jake rushes to check on the masked assailant lying a few feet from her. I can’t make my legs work, can’t seem to force my body to stand up and obey me, so I crawl towards her. My heart feels like it’s going to explode in my chest.NO! No, this can’t be.I can’t have lost her. I can’t have come this close to having her, to having my whole world, only to lose her.

“No, no… please baby, no.” I beg as I approach her, the knees of my pants soaking up some of the cooled blood drenching the carpet.

“This one’s dead, shot multiple times!” Jake shouts from behind me.

“We need to get an ambulance!” Tyson screams and reaches for the discarded phone on the floor. My eyes focused on Stella’s beautiful pale face. Her dark feathery lashes make contact with the creamy skin of her cheekbones. Her lips are tinged a purple-blue, and blood is streaked across her skin. She looks like an angel, lying there so still. I reach my finger and stroke it across her chilled skin as tears stream down my face. I stare at my heaven and realize that I was too late. That someonehastaken her from me.
