Page 108 of Star Season

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“That would be, uh, I’m not saying that would be entirely the easiest adjustment to make,” he said. “But to be honest, it wouldn’t be that much different than things are now, which is that you keep saying, ‘Not yet,’ and I’m really okay with that.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Sienne, it’s obviously so much of a bigger deal for you than it is for me. You have to grow the baby in yourbody.”

“Unless we wanted to adopt or something.”

“Is that what you want?”

“I don’t know.”

He laughed, pulling me even closer, his tentacles wrapping me up and bringing me against his sleek, slippery chest.

I put both of my hands against his pectoral muscles. “Well, if you’re okay with me being undecided about it all, why are we fighting about this?”

“I don’t know.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re not okay with it.”

“I think you’re not okay with it,” he said. “I think you want it decided one way or the other.”

I sighed.

“What if we, like, start flipping a coin about whether or not we use spermicide patches,” he said. “Leave it up to fate.”

I blinked. “But then I might get pregnant.”

He nodded at me.

I dragged my hands down his chest. “Caspe…” I gasped. “Caspe, Caspe, Caspe.”

His mouth found mine.

I clung to him.

