Page 63 of Star Season

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It got quiet again.

She cleared her throat. “You, uh, think there are any tutorials in the ship’s downloaded files on emergency takeoff or landing? Maybe flying this ship out of here is going to be our best bet.”

“We can look,” I said.

“Yeah, we should,” she said.

But we didn’t.

We went back to the bedroom and took off my pants and took off her pants and her shirt and spent a long time touching the sensitive parts of each other’s bodies before I spread her thighs and held them open and told her that she was going to have to show off her pussy to me like this whenever I wanted her to.

And she said she thought that it was too empty and that she was due for me to fill her back up with my come.

Which made me kind of lose it, and I slammed into her and fucked her hard and fast, making her pretty breasts jiggle like crazy as I jerked in and out of her and as she moaned and begged.

I came before she did again and went down on her afterward, loving the salty mingling of our tastes. I growled into her pussy, demanding she tell me that she belonged to me, and she said it again and again in a high-pitched voice that broke.

I’m yours, I’m yours. Holston, I’m yours.


I was tucked in against his body, laying my cheek against his shoulder while his arm curved possessively around me, his hand resting on my hip. I had my thighs wrapped around his furry thigh, and I felt like we were all tangled up.

I kept having these odd sensations while we were touching each other, like I couldn’t figure out where the boundaries were between us, like we had accidentally started spilling into each other, like we were part of each other now.

It was heady and good.

I was frightened of it.

I knew it wasn’t real.

Chemicals,I told myself.There are chemicals released in the brain during sex, during orgasms.

I knew it didn’t mean anything.

But I wasn’t sure if that was going to make it hurt any less when this was all over.

He kissed my forehead. “Why did you sigh like that?”

Because I seem to be falling in love with you—chemically—and it’s inconvenient.“No reason.”

“You’d tell me if I was hurting you.”

“I would.” But sometimes it did sort of hurt, because his cock was very big, but it was a good hurt, thebestkind of hurt, and I was sore, too, but the soreness was its own kind of deliciousness. I’d tell him if the hurt became so much that it drowned out my pleasure, that was what I meant.

“So, what’s wrong?”

“Absolutely nothing. It was a good sigh.” I sighed again, to punctuate my point.

He chuckled, sounding happy. “It’s like that for me, too. Everything’s kind of perfect right now.”

I snuggled into him.

“You’re… I’ve never been this attracted to a woman in my life.”

I sighed again. It was chemicals making him feel that, too, but I didn’t care. It was nice to hear. “I think you’re great also, you know. And very attractive.”

“Especially, you’re attracted to my cock,” he said, sounding pretty pleased by that.
