Page 19 of Billionaire's Baby

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Aiden had picked her up from work as promised. When they had reached home, they had ordered food and relaxed on the couch. Once dinner was finished, Aurora finally worked up the courage to tell him about the baby. But just then, his phone beeped. Aurora couldn’t help but read the text notification.

I’ll see you tomorrow at 10.

It was from Alicia. Aurora recalled Aiden telling her the name of his ex fiance.

Why was he still talking to his ex? Why was he planning on meeting her?

A thousand thoughts whirled in her mind at that moment.

“What happened?” Aiden was standing in front of her. Aurora wasn’t sure if he had seen her read his text.

“Why is your ex texting you?” She couldn’t keep the hurt out of her voice. She knew how she sounded, and she did not like the feelings of jealousy that were raging through her. This moment was not going the way she had planned in her head. She had been just about to tell him about the baby.

“You’re reading my messages?” Aiden’s expression turned sour. She couldn’t tell if it was because he got caught or that he was mad she invaded his privacy.

“I didn’t know you were still in touch,” she said, feeling tears sting her eyes.

Aurora was hit with the realization that she didn’t know much about the whole story. The full details of what had happened with his ex. She had assumed they wouldn’t be in touch because she left him like that.

Aiden remained silent.

The silence was what hurt her the most. She felt they had developed a close bond in the past few months, and he was finally opening up to her. But it seems that she was wrong. He didn’t want to talk about his ex with her. But she didn’t realize it would still be such an issue for him to talk about her after all these years. Especially with her.

Especially when they had come so close to confessing their love for each other.

“I’m asking you something, Aiden.” Aurora tried to keep her voice steady.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” That was his curt reply.

He moved away from her, turning to walk to the bedroom. What the hell? Why wouldn’t he talk about it?

Now all she could think about was the silence in the room and what it meant for her relationship with Aiden in the future. What it meant for her baby. How could she have thought it would be so easy with Aiden? Despite knowing him and how he had been all his life, she had gotten way ahead of herself.

“Aiden, I’m talking to you and you’re just gonna walk away?” Aurora called out to him. Aiden stopped in his tracks and turned towards her.

“If you don’t trust me, then there’s no point to this, Aurora.” His eyes bore into her eyes. His expression was unreadable, but she could tell he was fuming on the inside.

There was silence after that. She felt a pang of hurt at the way he had spoken to her. He had not bothered to say anything else and walked out of the room, making her feel like she was at fault for questioning. He’d rather end the relationship than talk to her?

Aurora’s breath started to come in short bursts. She was feeling anxious all of a sudden. She stood up from the couch, where she had been sitting throughout the whole ordeal. She realized she was crying now. Tears were falling on her cheeks.

It was too much for her.

Back to back there had been problems ever since she had arrived. Maybe New York was a bad idea.

“I’m pregnant, Aiden.” She couldn’t help but say it. She wanted him to know. Why did she have to carry the burden of what was going on? Only because she was scared because she didn’t know what it would mean for their relationship. But with Aiden’s behavior just now, she didn’t know if it was going anywhere.

Aiden’s expression changed into one of shock. He had not been expecting that one. His gray eyes widened, his right hand curling into a fist.

“What?” His tone was low but she could tell he was in disbelief.

“I’ve known since I moved here.”

Aiden remained silent. Aurora tried to calm her breathing, wiping her tears away.

“You’re right there’s no point to this if we can’t have trust,” she said, moving towards the front door.

“Aurora,” came Aiden’s voice, low but commanding. She didn’t want to talk to him now. Her heart was heavy. She had to figure out what to do with the baby. She had wanted to keep it.
