Page 20 of Billionaire's Baby

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She had somewhere in her mind started imagining raising the baby with him. Aurora had imagined he would be happy when she told him. He would tell her he was there for her. But the situation is so different now.

“I’m leaving.” Aurora opened the front door, not looking back even once and headed for the escalator. Just as the elevator doors closed, she saw Aiden one last time. Her vision was blurred with tears but she could still make out his grave expression. She would give a million bucks, to know what was going on in his mind now that he knew about the baby.

Now as she lay in bed, almost a week after the incident, she couldn’t help but regret her life decisions. Aiden had not contacted her. Aurora had gotten a taxi home and fallen into Trisha’s arms as soon as she opened the door. Trisha had been a great friend, consoling her for the past week and trying to take care of her.

During the week, she had tried to keep a brave face at work. She had no other choice. She had to.

If she was going to keep the baby, she had to focus on her career.

Chapter 13:

The next day, Aurora had a terrible bout of morning sickness and had to call in sick. She hated doing that especially when it had only been a month she had started working. She hadn’t been able to sleep and had been up late thinking about Aiden so Trisha convinced her she needed a day off.

Aurora stayed in bed the whole day, working on her next piece and contemplating life.

She had finally made the decision after much grueling. She would keep the baby. She was already almost two months along and had developed a connection with the baby despite not wanting to.

If she had to do it all alone, she would. But she wouldn’t give up the baby.

Now she just had to work up the courage to tell her father and brother. No doubt Ethan would be mad, more at Aiden than at her.

Her heart pained when she thought of Aiden. He had told her he was serious about her. But he hadn’t even contacted her, especially after she told him she was pregnant with his child. Were his issues really that big that he couldn’t even be bothered about his own baby? Or was it his ego that was hurt because she had caught him talking to his ex?

Around noon, the bell rang. It was too early for Trisha to be back.

Aurora opened the door, not caring that she was still in her PJs. Aiden stood on the other side, clad in a blue shirt and beige pants. It looked like he had come straight from work.

“What are you doing here?” She asked him, her heart beating fast in her chest. Deep down, everyday she kept waiting for his call or for him to show up. She didn’t think he would actually come.

“Aurora, I’m sorry.” Aiden’s eyes were red and looked tired. It seemed like he had had trouble sleeping too. He looked worn out and his expression was forlorn.

She remained quiet, looking at his face.

“Can I come in?” Aurora didn’t reply but stepped aside to let him in. This was the first time he had been inside her apartment. It was a huge contrast from his penthouse.

He seemed to tower in the small lounge. This place wasn’t fit for him.

“Listen, I know I’m late but I just needed to work out some things. I’m so sorry,” Aiden said, taking her hand.

“You hurt me, Aiden.” Aurora’s voice cracked at the end. She couldn’t help but remember the way he had talked to her.

“I know and I’m sorry. I was shocked about the pregnancy and then I couldn’t bring myself to say anything,” Aiden said, his expression genuine.

“But, I’m here now if you’ll have me. I want to be with you. I want us to raise this baby together.”

Aurora remained silent, gazing into his eyes. She wanted him so bad. She wanted to be with him.

“I won’t abandon you.”

“Why wouldn’t you talk about your ex?” Aurora asked. She had to know what was going on. She was afraid he had cheated on her.

“She works at a partner firm and tries to talk to me at any important meetings we have. But I have no interest in her. I thought you were spying on me and that’s why I reacted like that.”

Once again, Aurora was silent, contemplating his words.

“I’m not involved with her, Aurora. Trust me, I love you.”

For the sake of her baby, she had to trust him. She had to give him a chance. Her heart melted, hearing his confession.
