Page 40 of Obsession

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“Then stop exploiting it!” she screams, snapping her head up to look at him. Her voice echoes through the trees, loud and harsh. “Stop your mind games, for one day—no, anhour—so I can process all of this!”

He stays still, his eyes narrowed. “You have noideawhat mind games are, baby. But…if you insist.”

She sighs and laughs bitterly. “Yes. I insist. Iinsist,you bastard.”

She doesn’t stop him when he walks forward and takes her hand. “I’m sorry,” he says softly. “I’m sorry I frightened you.”

It sounds like he hasn’t said those words in a while. “Which time?” she mumbles.

“All of them,” he says. “And for the times I’ll do it again in the future.”

She nods. She doesn’t accept his apology, but she’s starting to realize that he will have to be a part of her life now.

There’s no escaping their fate.

“I have more questions,” she says slowly. “If you’re willing to answer them.”

He meets her gaze, then solemnly nods. “Yes.”

His scent is dark, swirling around her and making her dizzy.

Don’t lose yourself. Stay grounded, no matter how badly you want him.

Her womb cramps, and she shifts uncomfortably. She hopes he doesn’t notice, but his nostrils flare, and his chest rumbles softly.

“It’s not safe for you out here,” he offers. “There’s too many Alphas that might snatch you away.” He pulls her by the hand. “Let’s get out of here, baby, before someone tries to.”

She scowls at his ridiculous attempt at humor. “Lead the way, Julian.”



Now she knows everything.

Maybe he shouldn’t have confessed the way he did, but it’s the first time he’s spoken out loud about what happened to him.

He didn’t expect the monster to come out.

And when she ran, it only activated the hunter in him.

It’s what he was trained to do, after all.

He’ll never give her the details ofeverythinghe’s done, but he’s laid his soul bare to her.

And surprisingly, she hasn’t tried to murder him yet.

Maybe it’s because her Heat is starting soon.

Should she choose him (which he knows she will), he wants her to knoweverythingshe is getting herself into when she takes him into her bed.

If she refuses…

Well, she’s still stuck with him. He won’t leave her goddamn side.

He just won’t touch her, and neither will anyone else.

He appreciates the place she chose, isolated and away from the rest of the world. He hasn’t been to the ocean since he was a child, and the salty air mixes perfectly with her own sweet scent.
