Page 51 of Obsession

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He rushes back into the bedroom to find Audrey tangled in the blankets, trembling. Her eyes are wide and unfocused as he approaches her, and her sweet scent is slightly soured.

“Shit,” he curses, placing the plate and water bottle on the nightstand. He sits on the bed and gathers her in his arms, holding her body close to his chest, rocking her back and forth.

“I’m here, baby,” he whispers as she clings to him.

“You left,” she mumbles. “You left me.”

His heart clenches in his chest as he holds her. “No. I’ll never leave, baby.”

“Promise me,” she mumbles. “Promise.”

He knows normal Audrey would never say this to him.

It’s the hormones that race through her body that make her act this way, but he savors her words all the same.

“Of course. You canneverget rid of me,” he whispers. “But I have a feeling you’re going to deny you ever said this to me later.”

She shakes her head. “Everyone leaves,” she says in a tiny voice. “Everyone forgets about me.”

He freezes at her words. He never expected such a confession from her, and it makes him hold her even closer.

“I won’t,” he whispers. “You’re unforgettable.”

She hums against his chest and closes her eyes, drifting away in his arms.



Julian provides for her.

He feeds her, helps her drink from the water bottle, and changes the sheets and blankets of her nest.

Any other time, when she didn’t feel so weak and aroused, she wouldn’t allow it.

She doesn’t need anyone else to feed her or make the bed.

She’s done all of that since she was a child, because her parents were too occupied with her sister.

But she can’t deny how good it feels to have him kiss her softly or run her a bath in between her moments of lust.

When her arousal spikes, she doesn’t have to ask him to touch her. He just knows instinctively what she needs and how to make her feel good.

He whispers words of praise to her, either while his cock is buried in her or his mouth is between her legs, cleaning up her slick with his tongue.

He’s doting and devoted, and it feels so incrediblethat she starts to forget what life was like before her Heat.

All she can think isAlpha, Alpha, Alpha.

“I’ve extended our stay here,” he tells her in one of her lucid moments. “Your first Heat will probably last a few days.”

She hums and nuzzles into him even as her brow furrows. “I don’t have the money, Julian. I can’t dip into my savings like that.”

He gives her one of his classic wolfish grins. “I would never take your money, baby.” He intertwines their fingers together and kisses her hand. “You never have to worry about that again.”

Anxiety rolls in the pit of her stomach, but before she can acknowledge it, he’s planting kisses down her stomach and in between her legs.

Warning bells, somewhere far away, blare in the back of her mind.
