Page 29 of Stallion

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“Sure. In fact, Callum’s wife, Kelly, is a jumper trainer. But one step at a time.”

* * *

A few minutes later, Ellie’s father drove into the courtyard of Stetson Farms, rolled to a stop and climbed out. A young man wearing jeans and T-shirt hurried out from the stable, then stopped and stared. Tom suspected the ranch hand was used to cowboys in trucks, not men wearing sports coats and driving gleaming black Bentleys.

“Hello, I’m Tom Mitchell,” Tom said with a smile as he strode forward.

“Uh, yes, Sir. I’m Cody. You must be lookin’ for Noah.”

“Actually, I’m looking for my daughter, Eleanor.”

“She’s with him in the outdoor ring. If you walk around the barn you’ll see it. Would you like me to take you?”

“Thanks, Cody, I’m sure I can manage.”

As Tom moved past the stable, he glanced inside and noticed how clean and tidy it was, but turning the corner and looking into the riding ring, he paused his step and caught his breath.

Sitting on a grey horse, Ellie was holding the reins, while a tall, wide-shouldered cowboy walked alongside her.

She was beaming.

A lump formed in Tom’s throat.

It had been a long time since he’d seen his daughter so happy.

He was in a hurry, but he soaked in the joyful scene before approaching the rail.


Ellie wasn’t sure what made her look to the side of the ring, but when she did, she was shocked to see her father and immediately assumed something was horribly wrong.

“Noah, Noah, it’s dad, he’s here,” she declared anxiously. “How the hell did he even know where your barn is? Oh, never mind, I told him. Shit.”

“Why are you panicking? He’s your father. He’s probably a bit worried and wanted to check the place out. I don’t blame him.”

“I’m not ten!”

“No, but you’re still his little girl. You always will be. Be glad he cares so much.”

“I am…but I still can’t believe he’s shown up. I hope this isn’t awkward for you.”

“For me? Not at all,” Noah assured her as he started walking towards the rail. “I’m lookin’ forward to meetin’ him.”

“Hey, honey,” Tom called as they neared.

“Hi, dad, why are you here? Is something wrong?”

“Not exactly,” he replied, then extended his hand across the rail towards Noah. “You must be Noah Jackson. Tom Mitchell, nice to meet you.”

“Likewise,” Noah replied, gripping the man’s hand firmly and shaking it. “How do you like seein’ your daughter on a horse?”

“Before she caught sight of me she was grinning from ear to ear. Anything that can make her smile like that is fine by me,” Tom replied, then looked back up at Ellie. “I tried calling but your voice mail picked up and I didn’t want to leave a message.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Fine, except I have to fly back to New York.”
