Page 34 of Stallion

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“Good grief, Matilda’s Munchies, is there no escape?”

“What are you talkin’ about?” he asked, taking her hand as she stepped down from the viewing platform.

“Bethany buys box after box of Matilda’s cakes and desserts. I swear she’s trying to fill dad full of sugar and carbs.”

“Huh. That’s weird.”

“It is, Noah, it’s totally weird,” she continued as they walked to the courtyard.

“Just remember I’m here for you, whatever you need, whenever you need it.”

“You don’t know how much that means to me. I’ve felt so alone trying to deal with all her crap.”

“Well, you’re not alone anymore. I’m just a phone call away. Did you leave anything up at the house?”

“Um…no, I don’t think so,” she replied, opening her bag and peering inside.

“When you get to Kincaid’s, ask if Clint is around. He’s a friend of mine. Tell him I sent you and he’ll make sure you’ll walk out with what you need, nothin’ more, nothin’ less.”

“But doesn’t he have several stores? Why would he be at that one?”

“He does, and this time of year he’s usually at his home in the mountains, but he had a spate of burglaries and he’s had a helluva time puttin’ the pieces back together, so he might be around.”

“I heard about that.”

“Everyone in Elk Valley did. It was hard to miss. Anyway, if he’s not there, ask for Debbie, she’s the store manager.”

“Okay, thanks, Noah.”

“And, Ellie,” he said softly, sliding his fingers into her hair, “you behave yourself, and call me if you run into any trouble.”

“I can’t promise the first, but I can the second,” she quipped with a wink.

“You are such a sassy girl. I guess I’ll just have to keep spankin’ you,” he warned with a wicked grin, then leaned in and kissed her.

As she tried to ignore the sudden burst of butterflies in her stomach, his lips pressed fervently against hers. She was sure her knees would buckle, but he grabbed her around the waist and held her tightly.

“You, Ellie Mitchell…”

“Yes?” she managed, though her voice was barely a whisper.

“I’ll finish that sentence next time you’re naked in my bed. Now get outta here before I drag you into the hay loft.”

“The hay loft? Sounds thrilling. Why wait?”

Suddenly spinning her around, he slapped her butt, opened her car door, and set her firmly into the driver’s seat.

“We’ll finish this conversation later,” he declared, then closed the door and strode away.

With feel of his kiss still lingering on her lips, she took a moment to catch her breath, then started up her SUV and drove towards the road.

Never had a man affected her like he did.

He made her toes curl.

Her stomach churn.

And her heart race.
