Page 38 of Stallion

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“You’ll see when you get here. I’m not sure what it all means, but it doesn’t bode well.”

* * *

David had been walking slowly through the library listening to the recording of the noises Eleanor had sent when he received Matt’s urgent call. Quickly trotting down the winding staircase, he made his way outside and up the drive.

“Hey, Matt, what did you find?” he asked as they met up.

“Look at this door and tell me what you see.”

David shook his head.

“You got me. I don’t see anything out of the ordinary.”

“And that’s what makes this so sinister,” Matt said gravely. “This leads into the wine cellar, but the door opens out, not into the room.”

“Yeah, so.”

“Look at the top. There are small blocks of wood on each side nailed into the frame. There are also two at the bottom. If you weren’t looking for them you’d never know they were there.”

“Someone has nailed this door shut!”

“They sure have, and that’s not all. The electrical panel is in there, and it has a padlocked cover.”


“Padlocked,” Matt repeated.

“That’s just crazy,” David muttered, shaking his head. “So—what are you thinking?”

“Probably what you are. The wine cellar has been prepared to keep something, or someone, locked up tight.”

“I’m sorry to say, I have to agree.” David said solemnly.

“Bethany was uncomfortable when I asked her about the key. At first she said she didn’t know where it was. When I said I’d call Tom she suddenly remembered.”

“I don’t like this one bit,” David grunted, “and I have a feeling we’ll find some other strange things. Speaking of strange things, come back inside. I want you to listen to the noises Eleanor recorded.”

“What do you want to do about this door?”

Stepping forward, David gripped one of the small blocks.

“We’ll need a crowbar to get these off, but we should discuss it with Tom before we do anything,” he muttered as his phone rang. “Speak of the devil,” he added, lifting it from his pocket. “Hello, Tom.”

“David, I’ve been trying to reach Eleanor but her phone’s going to voicemail. When she calls me back I’ll be telling her to stay at the new hotel across the river for a while.”

“Why, what’s happened?”

“I can’t go into details at the moment, but don’t leave until she’s packed a suitcase and is on her way. Is Bethany there?”

“No, Eleanor cleaned out the pantry and Bethany was furious. She’s left to replace some of what was thrown away.”

“Ah, I see. Have you uncovered anything?”

“We have. Did you know the electrical panel in the wine cellar is padlocked, and the outside door has been nailed shut?”

“I didn’t, that’s very disturbing,” Tom remarked, lowering his voice. “I need to speak with you further, but I can’t right now. When Eleanor arrives home, ask her to call me.”

