Page 44 of Stallion

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“Yep, and you’re right, that’s not good,” Noah remarked with a frown. “There’s no tellin’ who did it or why, but you’ll sleep a lot better at my house until they get to the bottom of it.”

“I will, and thank you so much for asking. It feels almost—meant to be.”

“Yeah, I guess it kinda does. Now how about that sundae. I’ll be orderin’ it to go,” he murmured, leaning across the table. “I’ll feed it to you while you’re blindfolded, tied up and naked, then lick it off your—“

“Are you ready for dessert?” the waitress asked, suddenly appearing at the table.

“Very ready,” Ellie replied, loving the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. “I can hardly wait.”


The moment Noah and Ellie walked into his house, Sherlock scurried around them demanding attention. But Noah was prepared. Before he’d left the house, he’d made sure everything he needed would be ready and waiting.

Placing the takeaway container on the foyer table, he picked up a waiting milk bone and gave it to the happy terrier, then swooped up Ellie and carried her into the guest room.

“Why in here?” she muttered as he laid her on the white sheets and swiftly removed her clothes.

“I have my reasons,” he replied, lifting a blindfold from the nightstand and slipping it over her eyes. “Don’t move.”

Her nipples were already puckering in the cool air, and he couldn’t resist lowering his head and leisurely sucking one after the other. As her soft moans sent his stiffening cock to life, he straightened up and moved hastily to the dresser. Opening the top drawer and retrieving a soft cotton rope, he strode back to her, tied her wrists, and tethered the tail to the brass headboard.

“Spread your legs,” he said sternly, then smiled as she instantly moved them apart. “Good, you’re learnin’,” he murmured, bending down and whispering in her ear. “Stay just like that.”

Returning to the foyer, he picked up the take away container and hurried back, but when he walked through the door he found she had closed her legs.

There was only one explanation.

She wanted to test him.

He wouldn’t disappoint her.

Wordlessly marching up to the bed, he deftly flipped her over, jerked her up to her knees, wrapped his arm around her waist, and delivered a volley of hard, hot slaps on her naked backside.

“Stop, stop,” she wailed. “Please. I’m sorry.”

“You get to test me once,” he declared without pausing his spanking hand. “Now you have your answer. Do it again and I’ll see it as manipulation, and trust me, you don’t want that. Are we clear?”

“Yes, we’re clear!” she squealed. “I get it, I do.”

“For your sake I hope so,” he exclaimed, releasing her. “Now let me see you on your back with your legs spread.”

Slipping from the bed, he undressed as watched her squirm into position, then opened the container. Some of the ice cream had melted and mixed with the chocolate sauce making a gooey, mouth-watering mess.

“Ellie,” he began, softening his voice and sitting on the edge of the bed, “do you still want to stay here?”

“Uh, yes, very much, why?”

“Because you’ve just met the gruff, tough side of me. The side of me who expects his instructions to be obeyed—especially at times like these. If it’s too much for you I’ll understand.”

“No, it’s not, I swear. I love it. I do, honestly, and I’m sorry I, uh…”

“Didn’t do as you were told?”


“Ellie, Yes, Sir is what I expect.”

“Yes, Sir,” she repeated. “Oh, my gosh. I can’t believe this is really happening.”
