Page 5 of Stallion

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Shaking his head, Noah turned and strode back to his truck, determined to find out where she lived. But as the overhead light came on, he discovered she’d fallen asleep. Opening her bag and finding her wallet, he stared at the address on her drivers license.

His pulse ticked up.

It was one he knew well.

His close friend, Devlin Pike, had been through hell with the former owner, a nefarious criminal named Jay Whittaker.

“Dammit,” he muttered, recalling the much publicized shooting of the infamous gangster and the sale of the luxury property.

He’d heard the new owner had renovated, but the estate still sat behind ominous high walls. Driving up and banging on the gates held absolutely no appeal, especially not at two-o’clock in the morning.


On the drive to Noah’s ranch, Ellie was leaned against the window with her eyes closed and didn’t stir. As he rolled to a stop and turned off the engine, she slowly sat up and rubbed her hands over her face.

“Where are we?” she muttered, her forehead crinkling as she peered through the windshield into darkness.

“My place. it was either here or drive you across the bridge to the hotel, but it’s too far, too late, and I’m too tired.”

“But I don’t see a house. I don’t see anything. Are we even in a garage?”

“This used to be a storage shed. How are you feelin’?”

“Like I’ve been hit by this truck,” she groaned. “I need to lie down.”

“I’m not surprised. I’ll come around and help you.”

Quickly climbing out, he hurried to the passenger side and opened the door. She had already unbuckled her seat belt, but as she turned and started to step down she lost her footing and fell into his arms.

“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” he said hastily, catching her and holding her tightly.

“I’m not used to trucks,” she panted, clinging to him.

“I think it’s more about how much you’ve been drinkin’ than steppin’ down,” he quietly replied, hastily stepping back as he felt his cock stiffening. “Are you okay? Can you walk?”

“I think so, if I can lean against you.”

Placing his arm around her shoulders, he moved slowly through the shed, loving the feel of her as she rested against him for support.

“Uh, that’s not a house, that’s a stable?” she declared as they stepped outside and the barn came into view.

“Yeah, but that’s not where I live,” he said with a chuckle, walking around the shed and guiding her to the porch steps. “See?”

“Oh, isn’t it sweet? The windows have shutters. I love that.”

“I’m glad you approve.”

“I do. It’s like a real home.”

“It is a real home, and just so you know, there’s a dog inside. He’s noisy, but he’s a little guy and doesn’t bite.”

“What’s his name?”

“Sherlock. He can find anything.”

“I’d love to have a dog, but the Bitch From Hell says they’re too messy,” she said, her voice low and angry.

“I assume you’re talkin’ about your dad’s girlfriend,” he remarked as they reached the front door.
