Page 51 of Stallion

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“You can do that while I help Matt get started with the cameras, then I’ll get Candy tacked up. You should be done by then.”

* * *

As Ellie headed back into the feed room, Noah and Matt moved outside to discuss where the cameras should be placed. There were three obvious locations, and Matt added two more, one over the front porch and one for the backyard.

“Matt, if Ellie’s right,” Noah began solemnly, “and Bethany is searchin’ the house, that means her father is bein’—what’s the word? Victimized? Exploited?”

“Yep, either fit.”

“How well does David know him?”

“They go back a long way, but no man likes to be told the woman in his bed might be pullin’ the wool over his eyes.”

“Except, we don’t know if she is in his bed. Ellie doesn’t know either. It’s all very odd.”

“Whether she is or she isn’t, there’s no tellin’ how he’ll react. But I’d better get to work.”

“Do you need any help?”

“Nope, you go and take care of Ellie. She needs you more than I do.”

“Yeah, she does, but I’ve gotta hand it to her. Thinkin’ Bethany might be huntin’ for a hidden treasure left behind by Jay Whittaker is pretty clever.”

“I’m not surprised,” Matt said with a chuckle. “She’s a woman. They’re beautiful and we love ‘em, but they sure can be connivin’.”

“It’s all part of their charm,” Noah replied with a grin. “I’ll be takin’ her on a ride across the field, but we won’t be long.”

Noah had decided to take Bethany across to the thicket. It would help to take her mind off the ongoing drama, and with the inclement weather rolling in, it would probably be his last chance for a couple of days. But when he entered the barn, he found her on her phone, pacing up and down the aisle. Jerking her head up and whispering she’d only be a minute, she hurried into the feed room and closed the door.


By the time Ellie emerged, Noah had the horses tacked up, but as she walked towards him he could see she was upset.

“Ellie, do you want to talk about it?”

“After a hug,” she replied, leaning against him.

As he wrapped his arms around her, she let out a heavy breath.

“I’m sorry, Noah, I’m more trouble than I’m worth.”

“Hey, not even close, and some time in the saddle will help. I’m takin’ you on a trail ride, and you can tell me what’s goin’ on while we’re out.”

“A trail ride?” she repeated, pulling back and staring up at him. “Am I ready to do that? Where are we going?”

“We’ll walk across the field to the trees, and I wouldn’t be takin’ you if I didn’t think it was safe. Speakin’ of safe, where’s your new helmet.”

“Shoot, it’s in the feed room,” she declared, hurrying back down the aisle. “And you’re right. Sitting on Candy is exactly what I need. I never knew being around horses could be so therapeutic.”

“Yep, horses are a tonic for the soul. I’ll meet you at the mountin’ block.”

“What about Sherlock? Isn’t he joining us?”

“Not this time. I have to watch him, and on this trip I need to keep my eye on you. I left him with Matt. I’ll see you outside.”

“Okay, I’ll be right there.”

As she disappeared into the feed room, he unhooked the cross ties and looked Stetson in the eye.
